среда, 31 июля 2019 г.
Plato, Descartes and The Matrix
Plato, Descartes and The Matrix; what a trio of reading that if not for my ability to read without believing everything that was before my eyes, I would not know what to believe. After reading the three synopses I had to regroup and think, did I read this or was this a dream? I will now try and compare and contrast the three and show if there were any similarities and differences. I will start with comparing Plato and the Matrix in that there are similarities between the two. The similarities are that in both synopses the players (Neo of the Matrix and the people in the cave) are being deceived by what is before them.The people in the cave are fooled by items carried on the head of people walking on a raised walkway behind them. These items cast a shadow on the wall in front of them; not knowing they are shadows the prisoners believe they are real. The noise that came off the wall made by sound from the walkway was thought to be real sounds made by the shadows on the wall. In reality they were chained feet and neck and could not see the fire behind them that caused the shadows on the wall as people would walk by.In the Matrix we have Neo who believed he was a computer programmer for a software corporation, at night he would work on his computer hacking into other computers. He was told that in reality his world was an illusion, which was designed to keep people under control. In the allegory of the cave Socrates stated that when one was freed and had to stand up and turn his head and look around seeing light for the first time he would be unable to discern the items whose shadows he once saw on the wall.When told that the items was made of stone and wood and other materials and not real, it would be hard for him to believe. In the Matrix; Morpheus tells Neo that the entire human race is unconscious with a giant machine keeping them alive. He then offer him a way out by taking the red pill, which he does and find out what is really going on. When we look at Desc artes meditation compared to the other two synopses, there are some differences. First the Matrix and Plato are both fooled by perceptions of what is real and what is not.In the Meditation Descartes is not really fooled, he want to reject all beliefs in things that are not completely certain, and create what can be known for sure. To do this he must first weaken his beliefs by bearing in mind the fact his senses had fooled him previously. He then proposes other reasons to doubt that his beliefs are true. Next he bring up his evil demon theory which could deceive him, he then consider if he is mad or dreaming. He want to suspend judgment on his beliefs even if there is any doubt what so ever.In conclusion we have two synopses that have some similarities and differences and one that is completely difference. The Matrix and the people in the cave have allusions that are not real. Where as in the Meditation we have one that want to forget everything that he ever believed to be true, and start over to form a new way of believing what is true and what is not true. All three synopses did however make you think what if? But believing in a God that created all things and everyone, I do not believe that I am dreaming.
вторник, 30 июля 2019 г.
Literature Review on Domestic Violence
What Makes a Person Violent: Literature Review Since the beginning of the human race, domestic violence has been present. However, it was not until recent centuries that people began to look at it as a crime. To many people, in many cultures, domestic violence was seen as not only acceptable, but necessary in some situations. In a study conducted by Hines and Saudino (2002), domestic violence in close, intimate relationships is a country wide problem within the United States. The last nationally conducted survey found that an estimated 16 percent of married Americans experienced domestic violence within the previous year.That means that approximately 8. 7 million couples have been affected by domestic violence (Hines, Saudino 2002). Information also indicated that out of the couples that experienced domestic violence, 3. 4 million received severe injury. However, this is a problem that reaches far beyond our shores. This is a crisis that has plagued nations all around the world. Amon g various studies, the majority of research focuses on the social learning theory, physiological factors, and alcohol on a personââ¬â¢s likelihood of becoming an offender of domestic violence.Social Learning Theory In recent years, studies involving domestic violence have placed the spot light on the power of being socially learned in violent behaviors. Within the criminal justice field, the domestic violence theory suggest that abuse is a behavior that is taught and picked up from learned experiences within the persons family or society in which they were, or are surrounded (Kernsmith 2006). The study of Intergenerational transmission has become one of the most popular theories to domestic violence (Corvo 2006).In a study done by Kernsmith (2006), a written survey was given to only English-speaking people, that were patients in prevention programs throughout Los Angeloââ¬â¢s County , California. Amongst the fifteen centers chosen to participate, 52. 6 percent of those who res ponded were men and 47. 4 percent of those who responded were women. The study considered different variables including whether or not the participant had ever witnessed or been a victim of domestic violence. The results found that about 74 percent f the participants had witnessed some form of domestic violence as a child. Of those, 70 percent said that they witnessed emotional abuse and 61 percent witnessed physical abuse. In addition to witnessing violence, 68 percent of the participants admitted to being victims of child abuse themselves. Of those, 64 percent reported emotional violence and 53 percent reported physical violence. Domestic violence within previous relationships was also prevalent; around 60 percent reported being victimized by a previous partner.According to the findings in Kernsmithââ¬â¢s (2006) experiment, a high number of the participants that were examined learned their abusive demeanor through previous experience within families of domestic violence. This s tudy also found fewer that 3 percent of the participants admitted to never being exposed to domestic violence, including that of emotional or physical childhood abuse. These same participants said that they had never witnessed any form of sexual violence or domestic violence within their family of origin.This study found that the impact of assault of any form as a child has a huge impact on an individual as an adult. A journal article by Hines and Saudino (2002) says that within a lifetime, on average, fifty percent of all male and female Americans will be victims of aggression from their intimate partner. They proclaim that the most popular explanation for the conveyance of domestic violence must be awarded to the social learning theory. One of the most accurate theories as to why people choose to be violent in their adult years is due to their exposure to violence as a child (Hines, Saudino 2002).Hines and Saudino (2002) also mention that in the earliest studies performed to measu re violence, children who were punished through the means of physical abuse were significantly more likely to continue that behavior into their own families. Weldon and Gilchrist (2012) interviewed six male perpetrators serving prison sentences in Scotland. They asked the offenders general questions about their thoughts and feelings in regards to violence. They also included questions about each offenders past and childhood experiences.The most common answer given by the perpetrators was that violence was normal to them (Weldon and Gilchrist 2012). It was something that they were used to and had seen many times. These findings however, did not only apply to intimate relationships, but rather to life in general. They exhibited violent behaviors throughout their life. Overall, studies that focus on the power of the social learning theory, have found that there is a strong correlation between witnessing or being victim to abuse in childhood, and being violent towards your intimate part ner in adulthood.Physiological Factors Research on domestic violence has focused on several areas which are believed to play a role in explaining abusive behavior. The first area discussed is a predisposition to increased heart response to slight agitation. Lavinia et. al. (2010) describes a study that calculated physiology factors on a personââ¬â¢s predisposition to aggression in intimate relationships. The study looked at physiological reactivity, which is defined as changes to a personââ¬â¢s body brought about by a stimulus.The study found that individuals that are antisocial and violent are more likely to be predisposed to being abusive to their partner. To prove their findings, they found abusive males to interview. The males had to be seriously violent ranging from shoving to weapons. They also must have been abusive six or more times to be included in the study. They also found an equal amount of non-violent partnerââ¬â¢s to interview as well. The experiment involved the participation of not only the males, but the participantââ¬â¢s partner as well. They experiment had the couple talk about two things in which typically provoked discourse.While the conversation was in progress, the researchers measured the both partyââ¬â¢s heart rate, pulse transmission to finger, and the amplitude of finger pulse. However, the study did not find any increase in the violent husbands compared to that of non-violent husbands. Nevertheless, the wives of the violent partner exhibited an increase in finger pulse amplitude and finger pulse transit time than that of the non-violent partners. The study suggested that, due to the increase in pulse, wives of abusive husbands experience heightened feelings of rage, sadness, worry and fear (Lavinia et. l. 2010). This study shows that research does not support that abusive partnerââ¬â¢s experience heightened cardiovascular response to discourse compared to that of non-violent partner. In a different study, Shorey e t al. (2011) discusses how much genetically predisposition to trait anger plays a role in female aggression towards their male partner. In the context of this study, trait anger is defined as the genetic predisposition to respond in anger when placed in situations involving large amounts of stress.The study found that there was indeed a correlation between women that suffered from trait anger and those that were prone to express violence towards their partner. The individuals were asked to give their information such as age, salary, ethnicity, whether or not they were married, and the length of time that they have been in their current relationship. The same participants were then given a test called State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory (STAXI) (Shorey et al. 2011). This was used to review the participantââ¬â¢s trait anger.The women were asked questions about themselves in order to see if they usually feel angry. The questions were answered on a scale from one to four in (one b eing not at all, and four being very often). The test was proven to be accurate. When examining the results, the researchers found that 58 percent of the women struggle with trait anger. This proves that Shoreyââ¬â¢s et al. (2011) prediction about the direct correlation with inherited trait anger to physical and psychological abuse was accurate. This study (Shorey 2011) serves to prove that our genetics and physiological response are involved in how we act.Some people are more prone to violence due to inherited anger. This makes it much more difficult for them to control their inclination to be violent towards the ones they love. This does not make committing crimes by any means acceptable, however it does give law enforcement something to consider when dealing with cases involving domestic violence. Each of these two studies considering the physiological ramifications on behavior have shown that there is more to the criminal than just deviance. For some, it is a part of their bo rn instinct. AlcoholIn the criminal justice field, it is universally known that alcohol tends to be a factor in most of the crimes that people commit. McKinney et al. (2012) mentions that there has been a consistent link between the alcohol outlet and domestic violence. One of the largest reasons for intimate partner violence is the abundance of alcohol consumption (McKinney et al. 2012). Testa and colleagues (2011) say that men who drink heavily are at a much higher risk factor to be abusive towards their intimate partner. They say that just one partner using alcohol can significantly increase the likelihood of domestic violence.In a study (Livingston 2010) preformed in Australia, researchers found that 25 percent to 50 percent of all domestic violence cases involved the use of alcohol. This study that suggests that limiting the availability of alcohol would then reduce the amount of domestic violence. This particular experiment incorporates a longitudinal relationship among domest ic violence and the amount of alcohol that is available within specific neighborhoods. The study used 186 different postal codes from around Melbourne, Australia. This sample represented around 85 percent of all of the Melbourne population.They examined the alcohol sales from each of those postal codes to see if there was a positive correlation between increased sale of alcohol and an increase in domestic violence. Livingston (2010) collected the data involving domestic violence from the Victorian Police Services. The raw data was taken from the Law Enforcement Assistance Program (LEAP). All of the data is in regards to family incidents between the years 1996-2005. One factor that must remain under the spotlight is that not all cases of domestic violence were reported or responded to by the police.They performed a cross-sectional longitudinal study. The results found that there was a small, yet highly significant positive correlation between the increased sale of alcohol and an incr ease in domestic violence. Waller and her colleagues (2012) preformed a study that focused on effects of alcohol sales and the rate of domestic violence within a large demographic areas. This study included people involved in an intimate relationship, but not necessarily married. They hypothesized that alcohol use would be directly and indirectly correlated with domestic violence within intimate relationships.The study (Waller et al. 2012) took students from Wave III of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health which was preformed originally in 2001 to 2002. The sample consisted on 52 middle schools and 80 high schools. They used ordered sampling methods for selection. The study tried to get responses from all students that were originally in Wave III, however the response rate was only around 77. 4 percent. They were administered questions via laptops. The study included questions about how often they felt threatened, hit, injured, etc. n the past year by their partner. Once that information was obtained from the participants, the researchers collected the data of alcohol outlets in those individualââ¬â¢s neighborhoods. They also measured the participantââ¬â¢s consumption of alcohol within that previous year. However, after collecting the data, the researchers found no bivariate relationship between the use of alcohol and the likelihood of domestic violence. Although there are many statistics that claim that alcohol affects the like hood of intimate partner violence, we have seen that may not always be the case.Over all, research shows that alcohol consumption increases oneââ¬â¢s risk of domestic violence, but as seen in the study conducted by Waller and her colleagues, not all studies come up with that same conclusion. References Corvo, K. (2006). Violence, separation, and loss in the families of origin of domestically violent men. Journal of Family Violence, 21(2), 117-125. doi: 10. 1007/s10896-005-9011-1 Hines, D. , & Saudino, K. (2002) . Intergenerational transmission of intimate partner violence: A behavioral genetic perspective. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 3, 210-225. doi: 10. 177/15248380020033004 Kernsmith, P. (2006). Gender differences in the impact of family of origin violence on perpetrators of domestic violence. Journal of Family Violence, 21(2), 163-171. doi: 10. 1007/s10896-005-9014-y Lavinia, P. , Sullivan, E. , Rosenbaum, A. , Wyyngarden, N. , Umhau, J. , Miller, M. , & Taft, C. (2010). Biological correlates of intimate partner violence perpetration. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 15(5), 387-398. Livingston, M. (2011). A longitudinal analysis of alcohol outlet density and domestic violence. Addiction Research Report, 106, 919-925. oi: 10. 1111/j. 1360-0443. 2010. 03333. x McKinney, C. , Chartier, K. , Caetano, R. , & Harris, T. (2012). Alcohol availability and neighborhood poverty and their relationship to binge drinking and related problems among drinkers in committed relationships. Journal on Interp ersonal Violence, 27(13), 2703-2727. doi: 10. 1177/0886260512436396 Shorey, R. , Brasfield, H. , Jeniimarie, F. & Stuart, G. (2011). The association between impulsivity, trait anger, and the perpetration of intimate partner and general violence among women arrested for domestic violence.Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 26(13), 2681-2697. doi: : 10. 1177/0886260510388289 Waller, M. , Iritani, B. , Christ, S. , Clark, H. , Moracco, K. , Halpern, C. , & Flewelling, R. (2011). Relationships among alcohol outlet density, alcohol use, and intimate partner violence victimization among young women in the united states. Journal of Interpersoanl Violence, 27(10), 2062-2086. doi: 10. 1177/0886260511431435 Weldon, S. , & Gilchrist, E. (2012). Implicit theories on intimate partner violence offenders. J Fam Viol, published online. doi: 10. 1007/s10896-005-9014-y
понедельник, 29 июля 2019 г.
Hauling Job Sturges House Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Hauling Job Sturges House - Research Paper Example The paper "Hauling Job Sturgeââ¬â¢s House" explores the painting by David Blackwood. David Blackwood was born in the 1941 in Wesleyville, Newfoundland. The small community on Bonavista Bay received its name from John Wesley, who was a leader of the Methodist movement at the time, which was 1884. This decline was due in part to the brutal struggle of the people to survive in an unforgiving climate. The province of Newfoundland and Labrador has a volatile climate, with an average of six-months of winter each year. The temperatures for the province range from about -5 to -30 degrees Centigrade for extended periods of time. Frequent precipitation, fog and high winds, create a distinct problem for travelers in any venue (Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, 2010). This is the norm for the area, and considering the people at the turn of the century did not have the capacity to understand or protect themselves from such an environment, made life that much more difficult to sustain. T he first people to visit Newfoundland were the Vikings, but it wasnââ¬â¢t until 1497 that John Cabot arrived and announced a ââ¬Å"new found isleâ⬠for the King of England. The inhabitants of Newfoundland were the Beothuk people, who hunted caribou and fished. These Native people, also called the Inuit people, survived here for thousands of years before the Europeanââ¬â¢s arrival. These intrepid Eroupean settlers came from France, England, Spain, Ireland, Scotland and Portugal to fish the legendary waters of the Grand Banks. (Greenpeace, USA, 2005). These hunters and fisherman were not aware of the hardships they were preparing to face in their trek to this new land. The frigid temperatures, brutally bone chilling winds and seemingly endless snow took their toll on these settlers. It was only the strongest, most determined of people who were able to survive this hostile climate. They battled the Atlantic to make a living hunting seals and fishing for cod like the native Inuit people. Through the harshest of conditions, these tough, hardy people survived and have created what we know as the Newfoundland of today. David Blackwood has worked throughout his career to keep the way of life of these hardy people alive in his works. Newfoundlanders fought hard to keep the new British North American colony within the British Empire out of their back yards. The mere idea of confederation was abhorred, but Newfoundland and Canada had to try to negotiate and settle many issues throughout the 19th century. It was only because of the collapse of government in 1934 that Newfoundland allowed Canada into its midst. In 1949, Newfoundlanders became Canadian citizens, a mere 8 years after David Blackwood was born. This undoubtedly had an affect on this young manââ¬â¢s psyche, showing him that there may be weaknesses or there may be strength in the decision that Newfoundland made, but no one knows for certain. Certainly, Blackwood has childhood memories that the soc ial construct of the world has all but washed away. This is where his art is so outstanding. His focus is on the age-old traditions and way of life of the early settlers of Newfoundland, which have been forgotten by many. He has chosen to make it his lifeââ¬â¢s work to ensure that these memories are regaled, enjoyed, embraced by a new generation and ultimately, never die. Blackwoodââ¬â¢s talent for etching is expressed in many different ways, but his primary genre is of Newfoundlandââ¬â¢s age old traditions and ways of life. His use of etching and aquatint on wove paper is unique to Blackwood himself. Not so much the materials as the technique that he uses in his artworks. His main inspiration was his early years, growing up in the isolated town of Wesleyville on Bonavista Bay in Newfoundland. He relives the culture and rituals
воскресенье, 28 июля 2019 г.
Water Transport Laboratory Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Water Transport Laboratory - Lab Report Example With water being carried from the root, the plant has a consistency of water so it does not die out. Variations in xylem conduit diameter can change the effectiveness of the conducting system. Even a small increase in diameter has exponential effects on hydraulic conductivity. In this experiment, it was determined how the location of where a plant grows affects the diameter of the sample. If the hypothesis does not prove to be correct, then it is expected the data to show no change in diameters, or dry land samples having a greater diameter length than wet land samples. In order to do this experiment efficiently, a method must be understood. To locate the Red Maple trees used in this lab, the lab group trekked the area near the Soccer fields for a stream with flows through the woods up towards the Hillside Dorms. From there the group collected samples from the wet and dry locations. The samples were taken from trees that were 5-8 feet off the ground. The group will collect a total of 12 different stems replicated from the wet area and 12 stem replicates from an area near the hills that reside in a dryer climate (See Fig.1). Then test statistics will be used, such as the average xylem diameter, and the results will be compared between both environmental types. In order to obtain the xylem diameters, the group needs to prepare microscope slides of a cross section of the stem. After observing the xylem, measure the xylem conduits per stem (5-10 stems from different plants). Measure 2-3 xylem conduits per sample and average for one data point. When measuring the conduits, the largest diameter and the diameter perpendicular to the line will be averaged. To obtain the hydraulic conductivity, is simple. Collect branches that will be measured and wrap in wet paper towel. Submerge the branch under water, cut a 2-4 cm segment of the stem 9with at least 2 cm pruned end of the branch) Measure step length (l).
суббота, 27 июля 2019 г.
Managing Organizational Change Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Managing Organizational Change - Case Study Example The residents of Honk Kong strongly believe that the way to drink water is to use the bottled variety, as they believe the health benefits and convenience is preferred compared to boiling existing tap water. The debate surrounds the problems associated with these views, however. Hence the purpose we must now address is to radically change the way people in Honk Kong regard their water supply. The current thinking is problematic on a number of fronts. However, it can be seen from history that there was a time when everyone in Hong Kong drank water from the tap. So what has changed Bottled water is now the preferred choice, despite the fact that tap water is for all intents and purposes, free. Hong Kong residents try to justify this by assuming the following: There is a counter-argument to this, but it seems to fall on deaf ears. In the end convenience seems to be a major factor, as with all consumer products. Here are some of the counter arguments: (South China Morning Post, 2007) In addition to the above plus point and minus points, other factors need to be considered by the consumer. For instance buyers need to be aware that tax is being charged on the cost of a bottle of water. The long term solution of course is to improve the general water supply quality. Re-education needs to take place as too many people feel that bottled water is the only option. In the end a restriction policy may have to be put in place to make the production cost higher. Eventually this will make it more difficult for the end consumer to purchaser. The only problem with this approach is that it is not guaranteed to have the desired effect. Chapter 2 The Change Process So, how do we change the habits of approximately "6.92 million" (Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, 2008), Hong Kong residents Well, if we follow Kurt Lewin's model there are a few things we can do. We will take this one aspect at a time, and see where we can fit in an appropriate solution or scenario fitted for the stage in question. Unfreeze. The objective here is to establish a good relationship with the people involved, and enable others to realize that the present behaviours are not effective. As with all change of a radical or not-so-radical nature, we would need to minimize the resistance to change. Easier said than done perhaps In some films and books you often read about masses of people who have had their perception of a situation changed just because of a single appealing speech. Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King,
пятница, 26 июля 2019 г.
Genetics assignment three Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Genetics assignment three - Essay Example refers to variant expression of chromosomes, parts of chromosomes, or individual genes, depending on any one of the two sexes from where they get inherited. For the achievement of imprinting, genetic materials can get modified during the process of gamete creation or near the beginning embryonic growth in any of the two sexes (Judd 33). Therefore, the imprinted genes determine the traits that are articulated in a different way than would be the expected case under distinctive Mendelian inheritance. This assertion is false since imprinting is not specifically activation of the Y chromosome because with imprinted genes one can inherit only one working copy of the gene both from the mother or a father (Judd 46). Therefore, depending on the gene, either the copy of the father or the mother, by addition of methyl groups at some stage during sperm or egg formation can epigenetically get silenced. b) Turner mosaicism could have arisen through errors in early fetal cell division that resulted in some of the cells having two complete copies of the X chromosome whereas the other have only one copy. The absent X chromosome results in developmental faults in the fetus. Judd, Sandra J.Ã Congenital Disorders Sourcebook: Basic Consumer Health Information about Nonhereditary Birth Defects and Disorders Related to Prematurity, Gestational Injuries, Congenital Infections, and Birth Complications, including Heart Defects, Hydrocephalus, Spina. 2nd ed. Detroit, MI: Omnigraphics, 2007.
Project Management Review Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Project Management Review - Coursework Example In other words, communication is the most significant element within any project. Project managers mainly use three communications channels namely upward channel, downward channel, and lateral channel in order to ensure effective communication at various levels. Since the project communication significantly affects employee performance, project mangers must ensure effective upward and downward communication in order to maintain a high-performance team working on the project. The process of project management mainly passes thorough eight distinct phases. The project management phases are team assembly, project initiation, project planning, project execution, project leadership, project monitoring and controlling, project presentation, and project conclusion. Communication is a vital component in all these eight project phases. However, the given scenario indicates only the project presentation phase. ... Therefore, resource scheduling may not be effective if the project manger is unskilled or inexperienced. In other words, a project managerââ¬â¢s competence would determine the flow of project development. Likewise, the resource scheduling program may not produce the intended results unless other project participants are really committed to the project. In the words of Kalton and Richards (2008), resource scheduling technology usually indicates procedures and software applications tools for planning and scheduling resources employed in a project. Therefore, improved technologyââ¬â¢s deficiency may also reduce the scope of resource scheduling. In total, efficient and integrated operation of the project team is crucial for the successful completion of a project. 3. According to Gray and Larson (2005, p. 183), people, materials, equipment, and working capital are four types of resource constraints. It is obvious that people are an inevitable component in a project as this component determines the success or failure of a project to a large extent. For instance; programmers and mechanical engineers. Many project teams try to overcome labor constraints through internationalization as this process assists project teams to import foreign labor and to set up foreign subsidiaries that employ local staff from the host country. Similarly, material shortage has been attributed to the delay of many projects. It is also identified that equipment sometimes becomes a constraint to the project development. For instance, earth moving tractors. Lack of availability of equipments may result in project delay. Finally, lack of access to finance also adversely affects resource scheduling. If the availability of resources is extremely limited, the project management team would be forced to
четверг, 25 июля 2019 г.
Marketing Plan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Marketing Plan - Research Paper Example It is quite profitable to establish a restaurant in the area where this industry is actually flourishing. Buenos Aires has a large tourist influx each year. Not only are the tourist influx, but there several business people who travel to this busy city every now and then. The main concern for the tourists and business people from different parts of the world is the food that they will be getting in the foreign country. The marketing plan is basically for a restaurant that has to be opened in the busy city of Buenos Aires. The restaurant will be situated in the city of Buenos Aires and will provide with the high-quality food. It will not only provide with quality food but also with a place that will be full of comfort. In a hospitality industry servicescape plays a major role. It is the ambience that attracts the customers. It is the servicescape that helps the target market to relate to a particular restaurant or any other service industry. The new restaurant will be targeting the to urists and business people and also the locals. The target market is further discussed under the heading of the target market of the marketing plan. Market Segmentation For any industry, market segmentation is a really important aspect. It helps to make a clear map of the target market and helps to trace out those segments that can provide with the maximum profits. Similarly for this restaurant market segmentation is done on the basis of profits. The target market has been segmented into tourists, locals, business people, children, adults, old age and minorities from different ethnic backgrounds. The market segment of tourists, locals and business people provide with the highest profitability. Thus these market segments have been targeted and are further discussed in the marketing plan. Target Market As mentioned earlier in the introduction and the market segmentation, the target market of the new restaurant will be the tourists and business people from all around the world who visi t Buenos Aires. Business people do not mean that they will be businessmen but it means people who are visiting the city for some official or work purpose. The age segment that the restaurant will be targeting is 16 years and above. The restaurant will not cater to the children market. In addition to the tourists and the officials, the restaurant will also be targeting the locals. The question arises that how will the restaurant target such diverse market segments. The answer lies in the set up of the restaurant and the menu that it will serve. The menu will include a wide variety of dishes. These dishes will belong to different cuisines. The restaurant will basically serve the Chinese, Italian, Mexican and Lebanese cuisines. The restaurant will be partitioned according to the different cuisines that it will offer. In addition to this partition, each parted portion will carry the respective theme. For example the part of the restaurant where Chinese is served will have a Chinese ambi ence and same goes for the other cuisines. This will give an exotic touch to the food and can also be the differentiation point for the restaurant. In order to serve the local target audience the restaurant will also provide with the local cuisines in addition to the world famous cuisines. Localization The restaurant will focus on the local trends as well. It will incorporate local culture along with the international cultures on the basis of which
среда, 24 июля 2019 г.
Fashion brand Feedback Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Fashion brand Feedback - Essay Example The paper "Fashion brand Feedback" is the feedback on Fashion brand. Consistency - When consumers come back to a business for repeat sales, they usually expect to receive the same level of quality as they did the first time. For this season, our existing client reported the collection is too Asian, and therefore, different from the collection they bought last season. Uniqueness- Although the collection has the targeted design, some clients love the golden jacket and golden dress, while some other clients love white long dress. After removing the characters, we still learnt from our clients that some of our pieces have little differences from the collections of our competitors. But most of clients feel that it is better to remove the Japanese characters from the collection. Generally, The designs are interesting in terms of shape, lengths, and volumes, but some of the models like the jumpsuit are not appreciated by the clients; this is because the pieces look easy to wear, but they ar e hard to sell. Color schemes used for this season are black, white and gold; these colors work well than other colors. The buyers complain that the price is higher than their budget; given that the pieces are not made in Italy, the client expects that the prices should be considerably lower. Another reason why the sales are low is that the brand is new and people have not got used to it; people are less likely to buy if the brand is emerging. For this reason, therefore, high price could make the brand less competitive.
вторник, 23 июля 2019 г.
Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro - Article Example The subject that the author deals through his prime character Kathy is new, the narrations beautiful and therefore, this book turns out to be a rare creation. Kathy narrates this poignant story, without losing the ground and reality in any stage. She is always aware that she is the product of science. ââ¬Å"Hâ⬠after her name is like the badge of subservient status to humankind. The sum and substance of the book are about human cloning. A cluster of cloned children are brought up in an English boarding school, and the reality about their biology is the cause of their intense suffering and leads to some extraordinary happenings. Point of view of Kathy in relation to Tommy and Ruth Kathyââ¬â¢s status is like that of a senior student in a school. She possesses a keen sense of observation and takes careful note of the happenings around her, particularly the ones related to Tommy and Ruth. To that extent she is the product of advanced scientific research, like computers, are iden tified by generation. Being naive and innocent, Tommy is not in a position to tell the story, as he lacks the power of imagination and the sense of anticipation, the essential qualities that are needed in a storyteller. Kathy has a keen sense of observation. Ruthââ¬â¢s problems are different. She plays to the gallery, pretends and tries to please all and sundry and the final result is, everyone understands her game, and begins to distrust her. Ruth is, therefore, an unreliable narrator. Kathy seems to carry the scale of justice with her always, possesses the right frame of mind and her emotions, unique observations and opinions are evenly balanced. She is a near-human being. Point of view-Kathy by temperament One point incidentally. Howsoever intelligently one may try to be impartial, the first person narrations have an inherent drawback. The narrator can read the mind of the characters and provide a fair representation of the goings on there, but it is impossible to read oneâ⠬â¢s heart. The narrator also will not be able to sweep under the carpet his own feelings and the impact of his own thoughts and as such he cannot render one hundred percent justice to the nature of the characters. The reader has to accept the interpretations of Kathy. Temperamentally Kathy is calm and seems to follow the principle, ââ¬Ëtemper is very valuable, do not lose it.ââ¬â¢ Her reactions are measured and she takes her own time to make decisions as she analyzes the pros and cons of the issue before her. She reveals some aspects of her personality and how she has matured with her working experience of 12 years as the carer. Ishiguro chisels the character of Kathy thus: ââ¬Å"I have developed a kind of instinct around donors. I know when to hang around and confront them, when to leave them to themselves; when to listen to everything they have to say, and when just to shrug and tell them to snap out of it.â⬠(3) She is the conductor of the story. Her measured respons es have something to do with her personal life. She lives a solitary life. With compulsions to move to different places, her attachments are not fixed and the relationships continue to be transient.
понедельник, 22 июля 2019 г.
Solution of Ms-95 Assignment Dec 2011 Essay Example for Free
Solution of Ms-95 Assignment Dec 2011 Essay Course Title:Research Methodology for Management Decisions Assignment Code:MS-95/SEM II /2011 Coverage:All Blocks Note : Answer all the questions and submit this assignment on or before 31st October 2011, to the coordinator of your study center. 1. Under the circumstances stratified random sampling design is considered appropriate? How would you select such sample? Explain by means of an example. 2. ââ¬Å"Experimental method of research is not suitable in management field. â⬠Discuss, what are the problems in the introduction of this research design in business organisation? 3. What is the meaning of measurement in research? What difference does it make whether we measure in terms of a nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio scale? 4. ââ¬Å"Interpretation is a fundamental component of research Processâ⬠. Explain. Why so? Describe the precautions that the researcher should take while interpreting his findings. 5. Write shot notes on a) Criterion of good research. b) Dependent and Independent variable. c) Casestudy method. d) Components of a Research Problem. 1. Under the circumstances stratified random sampling design is considered appropriate? How would you select such sample? Explain by means of an example. Stratified sampling is commonly used probability method that is superior to random sampling because it reduces sampling error. A stratum is a subset of the population that share at least one common characteristic. Examples of stratums might be males and females, or managers and non-managers. The researcher first identifies the relevant stratums and their actual representation in the population. Random sampling is then used to select a sufficient number of subjects from each stratum. Sufficient refers to a sample size large enough for us to be reasonably confident that the stratum represents the population. Stratified sampling is often used when one or more of the stratums in the population have a low incidence relative to the other stratums. Stratified sampling strategies Proportionate allocation uses a sampling fraction in each of the strata that is proportional to that of the total population. If the population consists of 60% in the male stratum and 40% in the female stratum, then the relative size of the two samples (three males, two females) should reflect this proportion. Optimum allocation (or Disproportionate allocation) Each stratum is proportionate to the standard deviation of the distribution of the variable. Larger samples are taken in the strata with the greatest variability to generate the least possible sampling variance. A real-world example of using stratified sampling would be for a US political survey. If we wanted the respondents to reflect the diversity of the population of the United States, the researcher would specifically seek to include participants of various minority groups such as race or religion, based on their proportionality to the total population as mentioned above. A stratified survey could thus claim to be more representative of the US population than a survey of simple random sampling or systematic sampling. Similarly, if population density varies greatly within a region, stratified sampling will ensure that estimates can be made with equal accuracy in different parts of the region, and that comparisons of sub-regions can be made with equal statistical power. For example, in Ontario a survey taken throughout the province might use a larger sampling fraction in the less populated north, since the disparity in population between north and south is so great that a sampling fraction based on the provincial sample as a whole might result in the collection of only a handful of data from the north. Randomized stratification can also be used to improve population representativeness in a study. Advantages over other sampling methods â⬠¢ à à focuses on important subpopulations and ignores irrelevant ones â⬠¢ à à improves the accuracy of estimation â⬠¢ à à efficient â⬠¢ à à sampling equal numbers from strata varying widely in size may be used to equate the à à statistical à power à of tests of differences between strata. Disadvantages â⬠¢ à à can be difficult to select relevant stratification variables â⬠¢ à à not useful when there are no homogeneous subgroups à à can be expensive â⬠¢ à à requires accurate information about the population, or introduces à à bias. â⬠¢ à à looks randomly within specific sub headings. =========================== There may often be factors which divide up the population into sub-populations (groups / strata) and we may expect the measurement of interest to vary among the di fferent sub-populations. This has to be accounted for when we select a sample from the population in order that we obtain a sample that is representative of the population. This is achieved by stratified sampling. A stratified sample is obtained by taking samples from each stratum or sub-group of a population. When we sample a population with several strata, we generally require that the proportion of each stratum in the sample should be the same as in the population. Stratified sampling techniques are generally used when the population is heterogeneous, or dissimilar, where certain homogeneous, or similar, sub-populations can be isolated (strata). Simple random sampling is most appropriate when the entire population from which the sample is taken is homogeneous.
Integrated Marketing communications used by HP
Integrated Marketing communications used by HP This case study analyses the marketing communication theories adapted by Hp as it progressed to being the worlds number one pc manufacturer in 2007. Its emergence as a global company in 1957 opened a window of opportunity. The theories addressed will aid in forming a combination of the key concepts used by Hp for its global campaign to increase customer loyalty and boost sales. A number of practises are seen to have developed along various communications and marketing theories. However, critical analysis of Hps 63- year development will show a lack of adherence to some very useful models by some academic scholars. A viable description of marketing through effective communication was made by Smith (2002), à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦strategy of choice in a competitive environment is proactive, two -way communication, in which organisation plan for and initiate relationships with the people important to their success, emphasising dialogue over monologue and using various techniques to interact with their publics. Background Hewlett Packard, known as HP, is an electronics producer which was founded in 1939 in California by Bill Hewlett and David Packard. Since its birth the company has gained prominence around the world, becoming a major leader in the industry of electronics and technology. Early product designs produced by the company include inventions such as the resistance-capacitance audio oscillator named Model 200A. It is the manufacturing of products such as the Model 200A that have shaped the future for technology and helped pioneer many of todays products. In 1966, HP introduced the worlds first computer. In 1968 the company then unveiled the first desktop scientific calculator and named it the personal computer (PC). It was this event which boosted HP in to mainstream significance during the 1980s and became leading players in the technological industry. This was established in 1995, when HP entered the home computing market. In 2001the company merged with Compaq forming HP Compaq. This merger ensured efforts were made to further establish the brand as a leading company in the IT and computer industry. This was done through aggressive marketing tactics done through the concept of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC). 1. Critical evaluation of the role of integrated marketing communications in the success of Hewlett-Packard since 2001 Joep cornelissen (2008) definition of corporate communication is as follows: Corporate communication is a management function that offers a frame work for the effective coordination of all internal and external communication with the overall purpose of establishing and maintaining favourable reputation with stake holder groups up on which the organisation is dependent. But using of this approach is not always good as some critics may say despite of 20 years of debate most practitioner still see that integrated marketing communication is emerging discipline (eagle and kitchen 2000) rather than fully formed concept. Like many other concept that have yet to fully develop it is subject to fully varying and some times colourful terminology. Thus 360 branding, total branding , whole egg, seam less communication, new advertising, orchestration, relationship marketing, one to one marketing, integrated marketing and integrated communications (Pickton and Broadrick 2001) have all been used to describe all or part of integrated marketing communications concepts promoting the charge that integrated marketing communication is yet another fad. What most observers agree on is that integrated marketing communication is good idea but very hard to implement in practice Like all companies, HP is a company whose primary aim is to make a profit. However whilst this is a common company goal, there are still necessary guideline which should be followed in order to achieve this. Fill (2006) recommends that à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦the process of developing corporate strategy demands that a series of objectives be set at different levels within an organisation. Grunig et al (1992) states that two-way communication, a form of communication which is also practiced by PR practitioners, is a helpful tool from which a mutual understanding can be developed between stakeholders. One of criticisms of HP was that the company was focused more on the advancement of technological innovation. The corporate image of the company was seen as being obsessed with innovative progression and undermining the value of its customers. Shutz et al (1992) cited in Clarke (1997, pg 93) states that such actions are damaging to a company and that customer based communication must be practiced at all times. You cannot depend on the product alone to build consumer confidence. Its the rapport, the empathy, the dialogue, the relationship, the communication you establish with the customer that makes the difference. These separate you from the pack. For all of HPs innovative output and diverse range of products, its market position was infringed through a lack of market research and poor internal organisation. Smith (2002) refers to the work of Tom Harris, who is a leading advocate of integrating communications. He describes integrated communications as an outside-in process that begins with an understanding of the consumer publics, particularly their wants, interests, needs and lifestyles. Fill et al (2001), however, argues that many practitioners deliberately persuade a target audience to behave in a particular way, while others persuade them. In whatever instance it might be, understanding the customers needs, which may in turn change their behavioural pattern, is not a necessarily bad evil. Hp deliberately changed their communications strategy to affect the buying behaviour in their customer through effective brand campaigns that brought mutual satisfaction to both consumer and HP. Clarke (1997) explained that for consulting firms to effectively handle marketing and communications they must reflect the overall objectives of the organisation. Todays market calls for a strategically integrated approach to marketing communications. Hp would have to reorganise its marketing communication s division in to one that is coherent to attract customers. Oliver (2001) defined this as the system Theory - which she said evaluates the relationship and structure as they relate to the whole. Market research builds the right perception and recognise the needs and behaviour of current and future customers; evident in the theory of cognition. The history of HP showed there was lack of strategic planning and changes on marketing and communication structures were needed. During 1960s, consumers probably did not know any better or did not have a chance to choose; and this could force them to adhere to HP products. However, now a days Kotler et al (2008) affirms consumers receive thousands of information per day. In this context, in 2002, HP realized that the company needed to invest in its corporate image. So, the company launched brand advertisement campaigns. In 2006, they create the Computer is personal again, which had focus on personal relationship that public have with its computers. By analysing the competitors, this campaign was based to convince customer that the best way to buy a PC was in a retail shop, where they could touch it. This was an opportunity to differentiate from its main competitor Dell, which has a strong internet sales record. Fill (2009) believes that the marketing segmentation is necessary to meet the consumer need and to have a functional and competitive-level strategy. The Computer is personal again campaign was structured to appeal to young generation, which the company believed to be customers with similar needs and responses. HP targeted the youth market and position itself as a customer loyal corporation. In this scenario, the marketing communication strategies combined channels online and offline and integrated all marketing efforts such as PR, sales, advertisement. Shimp (2000) states that mixing marketing communication elements is decisive to achieve the target public and a specific objective. Also. HP emphasized advertisement and sales promotion in order to maximize the sales, creating a Synergistic effect. Undoubtedly, every channel used by this campaign had a consistent message, which complemented each other. Cornelissen (2008) says the company should communicate on ongoing basis and themed m essages reinforce perceptions of how an organization wants to be seen. Marketing Integration Holm (2006) states that Smith (1999) developed a tool, from which there are seven levels through where marketing integration can occur. Holm says these seven levels are: Vertical objectives integration It means that communication objectives fit with marketing objectives and the overall corporate objectives. Horizontal/functional integration Marketing communications activities fit well with other business functions of manufacturing, operations and human resource management. Marketing mix integration The marketing mix of product, price and place decisions is consistent with the promotion decisions, e.g. with the required communication messages. Communications mix integration. All the 12 communications tools are being used to guide the customer/consumer/client through each stage of the buying process and all of them portray a consistent message. Creative design integration The creative design and execution is uniform and consistent with the chosen positioning of the product. Internal/external integration All internal departments and all external employed agencies are working together to an agreed plan and strategy. Financial integration The budget is being used in the most effective and efficient way ensuring that economies of scale are achieved and that long-term investment is optimized. Let us examine personal again campaign at each of these seven levels: Vertical Objective Integration: level of coordination between communication objective, corporate objective and marketing objective. . Corporate objective: Customer loyalty, profit, growth, market leadership, commitment to employees, leadership capabilities and global citizenship. (Source: www.hp.com) Marketing objective: To increase market share, compete with Dell, target young generation Communication objective: Focus on personal relationships to PC and show consumers the different tasks made possible by HP technology Synergy can be seen among these objectives. All advertisements were base on same theme where celebrities from different field were talking about how HP PC and technology is part of their life. Faces were not shown in any of the commercials and focus was on different tasks that HP makes easy. It reinforces customer loyalty which is corporate objective of HP. Advertisements in this campaign were appealing to young generation and through social media viral effect HP reached new customers which were otherwise non-respondent to traditional media, thus increasing market share. Horizontal/functional Integration: fit of MarCom and business functions like operations and HRM HP had strength in selling through retail stores in consumer segments rather than selling online which was Dells core competence. New campaign communicated that PC is a commodity which is close anyones personal life, its a part of life rather. It pushed customers to visit the nearest retail store to touch, feel and learn how HP technology can be useful to them. Marketing mix integration: How well the promotion (with communication message) goes with the other 3 Ps of marketing mix Although the general theme of the campaign was universal throughout the 100 countries where HP was doing business, some variation can be seen according to place and price. For example in India personal again campaign was supported by Business is Personal Again campaign that targeted SMEs. Although the basic theme remained unchanged, local celebrities and eminent personalities were used for promotion in particular places. Communications mix integration: Different communication tools portray a consistent message Every channel used to communicate message delivered consistent message. TV commercials, internet promotion, PR program, newspaper, billboards, reality shows etc. whichever medium was used for MarCom in personal Again campaign was complement to each other and had same tone/message. Creative design integration: creative design is in accordance with the positioning of the product With this new campaign HP wanted to acquire a trendier brand image. They wanted to target youth market and position itself as a consumer loyal company. Personal again campaign was very much on the line. It relied heavily on animations. Hand gestures were used to convey connectivity, assurance, and emotional connect. Celebrities shown in the commercial were those, who are followed by young generation. Events which were of special interest of youth, like Super Bowl and reality show meet or Delete were focused for marketing communication. Internal/external integration: Internal departments and external agencies work in synergy according to an agreed plan Personal Again campaign was designed by GSP, which is HPs advertising agency since 1996. All previous campaigns were also handled by same agency. Although not much evidences about the extent of coordination of HP and GSP are provided in the case but because of this long period of relationship; mutual trust and understanding between both can be expected. Financial integration: efficient utilization of budget ensuring long-term investment optimization Not sufficient information is provided in the case about budget allocation of Personal Again campaign Also, HP used celebrities in its advertisement in order to emotional connect the public. Fill (2009) citing Patzer suggests that the physical attractiveness of the communicator, particularly if it is the source, contributes significantly to the effectiveness of persuasive communications (Patzer in Fill, 2009, p.43) Celebrities from different field expressed how PC makes their lives easy. The identification of young people with celebrities encouraged the sales and reinforced customer loyalty. The brand value of HP increased 9% after the campaign. The celebrities enables the message to stand out among the clutter and noise that typify many markets (Fill, 2009, p.509). This concept was used by HP to persuade the sales and making the product more attractive to the target public through association with MTV channel. However, Fill (2009) adverts there are two main concerns about the use of celebrities on campaigns. The first one is if the celebrity fit in the image of the brand and if they will be acceptable by the target audience. The other is that the public may remember the celebrity, but not the brand. The use of celebrities and the creation of a realty show Meet or delete on the campaign Computer is personal again influenced the consumer behaviours as it motivate them to buy. Dibb et al (2001) say there are several factors that can persuade a purchase such as personal, psychological and social influence and describe motive as energy giving a persons activities towards satisfying a need or where achieving a goal (Dibb et al, 2001, p.133). Shimp (2000) affirms that advertising may influence consumer to buy items they may not need. The consumer buying decision process has 5 stages: problem recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase and post-purchase evaluation, according to Dibb et al (2001). HP created awareness to young people by offering a PC not as commodity, but as extension of person life. The buzz generated by launching first videos on the internet and after in TV made consumer looking for more Knowledge about the product. However, the main goal of t his campaign was to interact with consumers, which could be helpful in the post-purchase evaluation phase as customers could trust that HP would be there if they need anything. Instead of creating a campaign to compete directly against Dell, HP could have done a public relation strategic planning. Smith (2002) citing Al Riel and Laure Riel explains that The purpose of advertising is not to build a brand, but to defend a brand once the brand has been built by other means, primarily public relation [à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦] (Al Riel and Laure Riel in Smith, 2002, p.9). A PR plan could identify and evaluate the organization viability and reputation, where a mutual beneficial relationship between company and consumer could be build, according to Smith (2002). The lack of market research and planning were the main problem of HP. By realizing a SWAT analysis, the company could have set clear objectives and develop a marketing and communication targets that would be the foundation for a nine steps strategic public relation plan. This plan would be beneficial to HP as company goal would be based on research and evaluation. Also, it would allow the HP to monitor the competi tor as a point of reference. HP used or could potentially use the following marketing tools to aid their Personal Again campaign. Category Communication Tool Media Broadcast: Television (Meet or Delete) Print: Newspaper, Magazines Internet: Social Networking Sites, Blogs, Interactive websites, Viral Video, Direct Response and Interactive Online ads featuring celebrities Adverts on websites such as: Yahoo, MTV, MySpace, MSN, Weather Channel, CIO, Forbes, Entrepreneur, InfoWorld, CNet. HPs own interactive websites: www.meetordelete.com and www.fingerskilz.tv Social networking and blog sites Outdoor Billboard Sponsorship Celebrity endorsement 2. Discuss the importance of branding, branding strategy and brand positioning to Hewlett-Packard in developing competitive advantage Brand can be defined as identifiable product, service [..] augmented in such a way that the buyer or user perceives relevant, unique added values which match their needs (Chernatony and McDonald, 2005, p.25). Xie and Boggs (2006) believes that a brand is a result from product differentiation and strategy of market segmentation. Organizations are changing their communication strategy to keep the consumers attention on the corporation and not anymore on the products. Until 2002, HP had not developed a unified image as the company used to invest less than 10% of its advertisement budget on brand ads. HP has focus to being innovative and to diversify its products line, but lack in market research and in position itself to get a competitive advantage from the competitors. Having focus on the corporate branding means the organization behaviour will have more exposure and be more visible and transparent in its activities. When corporate branding works, it is because it expresses the values of desire that attract key stakeholders to the organisation and encourage them to feel a sense of belonging to it (Hatch and Schultz, 2001, p. 1046). So, in 2003, this company introduce Operation one Voice in order to have a consistent message and an identified image for the external and internal public. Chernatony and McDonald (2005) believe that a successful brand has as objective to build a positive relationship with costumer, where feelings of commitment and belonging are presented. For a long time, HP has negligence the importance of connect with consumer. Just in 2006, to differentiate from competitors, HP redefined the PC as personal and not anymore as commodity. From decades, HP has an advantage from competitor for investing in technologic research. However, in the beginning of 90s, the consumers had more options and the competitors such as a Dell revelled themselves with a strong presence in the market. A positive point is that HP has a monolithic identity structure to reinforce the corporate brand, where all the products carry the corporate name. That strategy is a fundamental tool to build a strong reputation. The advantage of using a corporate branding is to apply the vision and culture as part of sales promotion and also to add a unique organisational value. Cornelissen (2008) believes that structure core emphasises the alignment between vision, culture and image. Also, he suggests using the toolkit developed by Hatch and Schultz to analyse the alignment or gap between vision, culture and image, by questioning the interface between those tree elements. Hatch, M, and Schultz, M. (2001) Bringing the corporation into corporate branding, European Journal of Marketing, vol. 37, no. 7/8, pp. 1041-1064. HP vision aims to be leader in its segment, to invent technologies and services that add value to business and also to create social benefit to consumers lives. Its identity seeks to be an innovative company, which produces range of quality products. In this context, there is not an alignment between vision and culture, because HP had not differentiated its strategies from competitors, imitating Dell direct sale tactics. Also, it seems to have a gap between culture and image as consumer have not perceived HP as an organization worried about their needs, but more concerned about develop new technologies .However, vision and image seem to be alignment as the company has a clear idea who is its main stakeholders and it understands the importance to communicate with them on ongoing basis. HP also is involved in corporate social responsibility projects and those help to communicate and reinforce its vision to its stakeholders. For a long period, HP prioritized its objectives, instead of the customers needs. Its products were advertised separately and interestingly did not use a lower price tatic as competitive advantage. According to Sengupta (2007), the position of a brand is determinate by the target consumers. Position then represents the essence of the brand as perceived the target consumer in a multi brand market'(Sengupta, 2007, p. 17). So, HP strategically reinvented the computer, giving a personal touch. In this context, the organization added 9% value to brand in 2007. Sengupta (2007) adverts that the company need to know who they are first and then create awareness in order to position the brand. By interacting with costumers through blogs and website, HP is changing the way how the public perceived its brand. The importance of position correctly a brand can be recognized in Sengupta citation: Position creates uniqueness, credibility, sustainable and valued place in consumers mind for brand (Sengupta, 2007, p. 17). Chernatony and McDonald (2005) affirms that a successful brand is a result of how much value the customers add to a product or a service. HP repositioned the brand, by differentiating the concept of PC. Xie and Boggs (2006) affirm that products and services are quickly imitated and homogenized, maintaining credible product differentiation is increasingly difficult, requiring the positioning of the whole corporation rather than simply its products (Xie and Boggs, 2006, p.349). HP has been investing in technologic research since 1960. In the beginning, the company had focus in hospital equipments and it seems HP looked just to niches, instead of looking the entire market for a long term strategy. However, its brand has extending to computers, printers and digital cameras. Because HP was recognized as an innovative company, this image was transferred to the news products lines. Consumers recognize the name and make associations that enable them to lower the perceived risk and in doing so provide a platform to try a new product (Fill, 2009, p 508). HP expertises in computers were extended to printers and digital cameras. Chernatony and McDonald (2005) states that one factor of success on brand extension is to build and sustain a favourable reputation for a parent brand. Reputation also is an important aspect on consumers loyalty. After decades, HP understood the importance to look what the brand means to the customers. By knowing the core associations that co nsumers perceived the brand, it is more likely to be successful in an expansion. HP targeted young consumers as this public and the company share values such as interest for technologies and innovation. That helps to create a connection. In 2006, a blog, which was part of HP association with FIFA World Cup website, attracted more than 180 thousands visitors. 3. Major challenges ahead for Hewlett-Packard Recommendations HP had certainly done good job on the front of integrated marketing communication by launching the new campaigns and other supporting campaigns. But while doing that there were some areas which were not addressed HPs ability to recognise the need to change its marketing and communication strategy purposefully led to its growth by 2007. Smith R.D. (2002) described campaigns as systematic sets of public relations activities, each with a specific and finite purpose, sustained over a length of time and dealing with objectives associated with a particular issue. Management was able to change the structure, process and relationship within the company to establish lasting partnership with its customers. The advertisements were able to persuade customers in to buying by evoking an inherent desire to be part that a celebrity group. However, to be able to sustain this flow, Hp will have to develop long term strategic marketing communications plans through continual market research and development. Extensive use of celebrity endorsement by having a long term association with celebrities there is a risk that any indecent behaviour of celebrity may affect the companys image. Company was over focused on advertising and under used other elements of communication mix like personal selling, sales promotion, PR. As the company grows in size and market share with huge number of customers, company also needs to address the retaining of existing customers. As small and medium business sector is emerged very attractive segment company should try to acquire number of customers in this segment as in the last campaign some critics said that the campaign was more focused on consumer sector rather than SME and corporate. In the current era of globalisation the economies are interlinked and interdependent on each other. There are new challenges arsing from this kind of phenomenon. To overcome from this kind of situation Doole and Lowe (2001) describe the companies are adopting a long term strategies, where marketing programmes and process are standardised and at the same time it has been adapt to local needs. It is important to understand the differences and similarities between local markets. Due this globalisation where new markets are opening like India, China, Brazil the company must adopt the strategy according to the culture of these countries Fill (2009) states from marketing communication perspectives, the prevailing culture in a region must be respected, otherwise it is likely that a brand and or organization will be rejected (Fill, 2009, p. 842). Kotler (2002) Multi-brand strategy: Multi-brand strategy enables a company to lock up more distributor shelf space and to protect its major brand by setting up flanker brands RECOMMENDATIONS Use the multiband strategy in future to acquire the more shelf space and beat the competition. Use personal selling as tool to improve sales. Use combination of push and pull strategy. More emphasis on sales promotions in store Use of PR to retain existing customer and maintain good relationship with stakeholders. Become more interactive with consumers through new media (develop message board and forums) Focus on corporate advertising as well as consumer advertising Continuous development of innovative new products Integrate at Different Levels of management. Put integration on the agenda for various types of management meetings whether annual reviews or creative sessions. Horizontally ensure that all managers, not just marketing managers understand the importance of a consistent message whether on delivery trucks or product quality. Also ensure that Advertising, PR, Sales Promotions staff are integrating their messages. To do this you must have carefully planned internal communications, that is, good internal marketing. Think Customers First. Wrap communications around the customers buying process. Identify the stages they go through before, during and after a purchase. Select communication tools which are right for each stage. Develop a sequence of communications activities which help the customer to move easily through each stage. Build Relationships and Brand Values. All communications should help to develop stronger and stronger relationships with customers. Ask how each communication tool helps to do this. Remember: customer retention is as important as customer acquisition. Develop a Good Marketing Information System which defines who needs what information when. A customer database for example, can help the telesales, direct marketing and sales force. IMC can help to define, collect and share vital information.
воскресенье, 21 июля 2019 г.
Network Opimisation Problems And Forecasting
Network Opimisation Problems And Forecasting The Makonsel Company, a fully integrated company that both produces and sells goods at its retail outlets. After production, the goods are stored in companys two warehouses until needed by the retail outlets. Trucks are used to transport the goods from the two plants to the warehouses, and then from the warehouses to the three retail outlets. Using units of full truckloads, the following table shows each plants monthly output, its shipping cost per truckload sent to each warehouse, and the maximum amount that it can ship per month to each warehouse. Unit Shipping Cost For each retail outlet (RO), the next table shows its monthly demand, its shipping cost per truckload from each warehouse, and the maximum amount that can be shipped per month from each warehouse. Unit Shipping Cost The Managements objective is to determine the shipping plan (number of truckloads shipped per month from each plant to each warehouse and from each warehouse to each retail outlet) that will minimise the total shipping cost. In order to achieve the objective, the following issues will be discussed : The distribution network of Makonsel Company, algebraic formulation for the network model, spreadsheet formulation for this problem by using the solver of excel and interpretation and recommendation of the result. The distribution network A network model for the Makonsel Company problem as a minimum-cost flow problem According to the data from the table above we put it into a distribution network. The supply nodes in this network are P1 (plant1) and P2 (plant2), the transshipment nodes are W1 (warehouse1) and W2 (warehouse2) and the demand nodes in this network are RO1, RO2 and RO3. And the shipping cost and the shipping capacity differ considerably among these shipping lanes. The cost per unit shipped and the maximum amount that it can ship per month (given in square brackets of the arc) through each lane is shown above corresponding arrow in the above Figure. Algebraic Formulation Solution: Decision variables Makonsel must determine how much to ship per month from each plant to each warehouse and from each warehouse to each retail outlet. Let Xij = Number of truckloads to ship from i to j (i = P1, P2; j = W1, W2). Let Xjk =Number of truckloads to ship from j to k (j =W1, W2 k=RO1, RO2, RO3). Then Makonsels problem may be formulated as Objective: Subject to: The first five constraints ensure that each retail outlet is meet their monthly demand, and the 2 Sources constraints are ensure that each plants monthly output and the last 10 ensure the maximum amount that can be shipped per month. Spreadsheet Formulation After we finished the algebraic formulation, we can transform them to spreadsheet, and using the solver of Excel to work out the distribution problem. The spreadsheet formulations are all showed in the graph below. A spreadsheet model for the Makonsel Company minimum-cost flow problem, where the changing cells (C4:C13) show the optimal solution obtained by the Solver and the target cell (E15) gives the resulting total cost of the flow through the network. Interpretation and Recommendation The optimal solution for the Makonsel Company problem, where the shipping amounts are shown in parentheses over the arrows By using excel we can calculate the minimum total shipping cost of Makonsel Company is à ¿Ã ¡488.125. In order to make the minimum total monthly shipping cost of à ¿Ã ¡488.125, the Makonsel Company should first transport 125 truckloads per month from plant 1to warehouse 1 and 75 units to warehouse 2. And ship 175 truckloads per month from plant 2 to warehouse 1, ship 125 truckloads per month to warehouse2. After that the retail outlet1, retail outlet 2 and retail outlet 3 should get 100 truckloads, 50 truckloads and 100 truckloads from warehouse 1 respectively. And should separately transport 50 truckloads, 150 truckloads and 50 truckloads from warehouse 2 to retail outlet1, retail outlet 2 and retail outlet 3. As we have known the shipping cost per truckload from each plant and each warehouse from the table. Thus the Minimum Cost= 425*125+560*75+510*125+600*175+470*100+505*50 +490*100+390*50+410*150+440*50 =488,125 Conclusion Determined the shipping plan which can minimise the total shipping cost is the management objective of Makonsel Company. By building the distribution network , formulating the constraints and calculating the result through using the solver of excel , Makonsel Company successfully solve the distribution network problem and construct the shipping plan with the minimum total shipping cost of à ¿Ã ¡488.125. Forecasting Introduction The time-series below relates to the Sales of a company (00s) for the last five years. The objective is to use the information contained in the time-series data above to construct a forecast of the next four quarters sales. In order to achieve the objective, the following issues will be discussed: Analysis this time-series, Detrend a Time-Series and construct the Seasonal Indices by MINITAB, Forecasting the next four quarters sales and use measures to identify the forecast accuracy, Reservations about the appropriateness of the forecasting procedure used. Time-series Analysis Main characteristics of this time-series The first step in any forecasting exercise is to plot a graph of the time-series. We transfer the data from the table to Minitab and use the time series plot-simple of Minitab to make the graph, since the time-series was recorded in quarter, so we choose the quarter of calendar in time scale. The plot of this time-series looks like: Form the graph above We can roughly find out that there is a decreasing trend over time, a clear quarterly seasonal effect and it is a table time series, the pattern is regular with little random noise. With the purpose of confirming the characteristics of the time-series, we use the cantered moving averages (CMA). Since the CMA is the average and smoothed data of the actual figures, which is much easier for us to determine the characteristics of the time-series, we use this plot instead. As the time-series was recorded in quarters and with quarterly seasonal effect so the length of moving average is 4, and chose the moving averages, plot the graph smoothed vs. actual. Negative Trend Structure, an decreasing trend over time It is a negative trend structure. Look at the smoothed line of this time-series, as at the beginning of the time-series the sales of this company is about 485 ,however , it keeps decreasing and from about 485 down to around 478 to roughly 471 and finally it decrease to around 405. A clear seasonal structure , additive seasonal structure It can be seen from the graph above that there is a clear quarterly seasonal structure, for each quarter 1 the actual observed value is about 13 units below the trend value. For quarters 2, 3 4 estimating from the graph the actual observed values are 30 above, 22 above and 23 below the estimated trend values. Seasonal Structures: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 -13 30 22 -23 These are estimates of the seasonal indices; and also in this case, for a given variable the quarter 1 is 13 units below trend, quarter 2, 3 are 30 units and 22 units above trend, quarter 4 is 23 units below trend. And it can be seen from the graph above, seasonal deviation is constant about the trend so this seasonal structure is additive. A table time series, the pattern is regular with little random noise The graph of Moving average plot for sales above shows us that the pattern is regular with little random noise, it decreasing stability of the seasonal pattern, and also from the smoothed line we can find that the series reduce stability, from about 485 down to around 478 to roughly 471, ect. No more than 10units lower. Model the time-series QUADRATIC TREND MODELS There are two trend models ,one is linear trend model (Trend = a + b*t ) and the other is Quadratic trend model (Trend = a + b*t + ct2 ), and as we have been calculated the Cantered Moving Average (CMA)above, which is the average and smoothed line of the actual sales, so by using the CMA, we can use value of these two models to compare with the value of CMA, and then choose the model which the value is much closer to the CMA as our forecasting model. There are three commonly used measures of forecast accuracy: Mean Square Deviation (MSD), Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE). And the smaller the data is, the more accurate of the forecast. And it can be seen from the graph above that the Quadratic Trend Model, MAPE=0.43297, MAD=1.91172, MSD = 5.44313, and to the Linear Trend Model, MAPE=0.51281, MAD=2.21232, MSD = 7.74838. The data of the Quadratic Trend Model are all smaller than the Linear Trend Model, which means that the value of quadratic trend model is much closer than value of the CMA; the quadratic trend model is much more accurate than the linear trend model, so choose the quadratic trend model to forecast. Detrend a Time-Series and construct SI of MINITAB Detrend a Time-Series Detrend a Time-Series, which means Sales-Trend (DIV), the gap between the actual sales and the forecast sales. After we have decided to take the quadratic model to forecast, we can record the data as the trend data, and the plot the graph above to compare with the sales and trend. And use the actual sales data minus the forecast one we can Detrend a Time-Series. As the graph shows us above the DIV1=472-500.367=-28.3673, DIV2=516-493.333=22.6674, DIV3=507-486.459=20.5414, DIV4=462-479.745=-17.7454, etc. By using the Minitab, we can use the calculator to figure the result. Construct the Seasonal Indices by MINITAB As Seasonal Indices is the quarter average of DIV, after we have calculated the DIV, we can use MINITAB to construct the seasonal indices. And in the MINITAB, we use the decomposition to figure out the SI. As we have described before that the sales trend of this company is additive and seasonal and the data were recorded in quarter, so the seasonal indices is four quarters as a unit, the seasonal length is 4 and the model type is additive. And Seasonal Indices is the average of each quarter of DIV, so the seasonal indices can be calculated as below: Quarter1=SI1= (DIV1+DIV5+DIV9+DIV13+DIV17)/5= -24.0937 Quarter2=SI2= (DIV2+DIV6+DIV10+DIV14+DIV18)/5=20.4062 Quarter3=SI3= (DIV3+DIV7+DIV11+DIV15+DIV19)/5=17.2812 Quarter4=SI4= (DIV4+DIV8+DIV12+DIV16+DIV20)/5=-13.5937 Since seasonal indices is the average of each quarter of DIV so SI is quarterly cycle, the value of SI5 will equal to the value of SI1, SI6=SI2, etc. And also it can be seen from graph above that the SI is quarterly cycle. Forecasting and measures of forecast accuracy Future Forecast As the Future Forecast equal Future Trend plus Future Seasonal Indices, so first we should use the CMA to calculate the future trend of the next four quarters. Since the CMA is the average and the smoothed data of the actual data, using the data of CMA can let forecast more accuracy. And the time-series is seasonal structure of quarter, so the number of forecast is 4. And we use trend analysis to calculate the future trend. After we figure out the future trend, copy the first four Seasonal Indices (SI is quarterly cycle) which we have calculated before (-24.0937, 20.4062, 17.2812, -13.5937), as Future Seasonal Indices. And then use the FTrend and FSI to figure out the Future Forecast value (FFC=FTrend+FSI). After figure out the FFC, copy them after the FC to plot a forecast. The plot of time series of sales and forecast looks like: So the next four quarters; Q1, Q2, Q3 Q4 of 2009 are: Q1=366.116, Q2=406.796, Q3=400.011, Q4=365.637 Measures of forecast accuracy After we calculate the forecasts for the next four quarters, we need to know whether the forecast is accurate or not, so we use the three commonly used measures of forecast accuracy: MSD, MPE and MAD to check the forecasts. i. Mean Square Deviation: MSD = S (Xt Ft)2/n ii. Mean Absolute Deviation: MAD = S |Xt Ft| /n iii. Mean Percentage Error: MPE = S |(Xt Ft)/Xt| /n Since all of measures above need the value of Xt Ft (error), so we should calculate the error first. Error = Sales-FC, in the Minitab we use calculator to figure it out. After calculated the error, we can figure out the value of accuracy. MSD = S (Xt Ft)2/n MAD = S |Xt Ft| /n MPE = S |(Xt Ft)/Xt| /n And for this forecast the MSD=29.3526, MAD=4.69560, MPE=1.08963. As we all know for each forecast indicator, the lower value, the higher prediction accuracy. And usually we use the MPE to confirm the accuracy. Lets look at the MPE, the value of MPE is equal to 1.08963%, though the value of MPE is slightly higher than 1%, it close to 1%, the forecast is still accuracy. Reservation In this forecasting procedure we faced two choices, one is determined the seasonal structure of the time-series, determining whether the seasonal structure is additive or multiplicative. And the other one is to confirm the trend model, choosing the linear model or the quadratic model. The choice we make will affect the accuracy of forecasting. Additive or Multiplicative In this forecasting, we analysis the time-series as additive seasonal structure by using method belowà ¼Ã
¡ Seasonal Structures: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 -13 30 22 -23 In this caseà ¼Ã
âfor a given variable the quarter 1 is 13 units below trend, quarter 2 is 30 units above trend, etc. This is an Additive Seasonal Index. Alternatively we could have expressed the index as follows: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 -13% 30% 22% -23% Here the quarter 1 data is 13% below the trend value, or more conventionally 87% of trend, similarly for the other quarters. It is conventional to express this Seasonal Index as: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 87% 130% 122% 77% This is called a Multiplicative Seasonal Index and if the seasonal deviation is proportional to the trend then the seasonal structure is multiplicative. In this case we preferred the additive seasonal structure as the time-series constant about the trend, but in fact it could proportional to the trend and become the multiplicative seasonal structure in the future, so we should make appropriate adjustments base on the future data. Linear or Quadratic model In this case, we modeled the time-series as quadratic model due to the data the company provided closer to the quadratic model now, however, with the future data the model may be transformed into the linear model. Conclusion The objective of the company is to use time-series data to construct a forecast of the next four quarters sales. So as to do the forecast first we analysed the time-series to determine main characteristics of this time-series and modeled it, then found out the difference between the sales and trend to construct the seasonal indices, after that did the forecasting and to identify whether the forecast accurate or not by using the MAD, MSD and MPE. And the next four quarters sales of this company are Q1=366.116, Q2=406.796, Q3=400.011, Q4=365.637. However, during the forecasting procedure we should also consider about the choice we have made whether to choose additive or multiplicative, the linear model or the quadratic model will affect the accuracy of forecasting.
суббота, 20 июля 2019 г.
Computers :: essays research papers
Computers have come a long way in the last 40 years. From the room-filling machines of the 60's to the relatively tiny, sleek ATX form factor. The main reason for this achievement to be possible is the advent of the microprocessor made by IBM. This company had revolutionized the world of personal computer and fabricated the groundwork for the modern day PC. In the late 70ââ¬â¢s, IBM was looking for someone to program an operating system for the revolutionary PC. They looked to one man by the name of Bill Gates who was starting up his own software company after dropping out of Harvard Law. Gates was always a whiz with computers so starting his own software company was a breeze for him and partner Paul Allen. While in high school, Gates made a program that would set him up to take all the classes with pretty girls and another program to set the seating charts in the room to maximize each class to have him not only in the same room, but in close proximity. Gates and affiliates at Microsoft accepted the challenge of creating an operating system for IBMââ¬â¢s PC. They came up with MS-DOS, or Microsoft-Disk Operating System. IBM loved it and it was implemented on every new PC that IBM made. Years passed and innovations to operating systems kept climbing. By the late 80ââ¬â¢s, Microsoft had created many different versions of MS-DOS with each improving on the latter. Then, in spring of '89 they had unveiled Microsoft Windows. A graphical interface incorporated a mouse and appealing looks. At first Windows was not widely accepted, but after trial and error with versions to follow, Microsoft gained enough support to mass implement the system worldwide. By 1995, Microsoft hit yet another benchmark when it introduced Microsoft Windows 95. This operating system had more features and better compatibility, but was a little shaky on reliability. Microsoft's response to that was their Windows 98 which turned into the same story.
пятница, 19 июля 2019 г.
Make-up Art Cosmetics :: essays research papers
Make-Up Art Cosmetics à à à à à Make-up Art Cosmetics, also known as M.A.C. cosmetics is a highly unique corporation. Its founders and business strategies are rather simple yet extremely effective in contributing to the companies success. The company does not use any fancy business schemes and it is truly concerned with its consumers. In the beginning, the company struggled to get started, but now a multimillion dollar (and still growing) enterprise, M.A.C. probably has some of the most popular and most demanded for cosmetics available in the market. M.A.C. Cosmetics is a dynamic company which produces skin and hair care, beauty products, and cosmetics, created for everyone. Rich and poor, old or young, conservative or trendy and even for males or females. Sales for M.A.C. are growing rapidly. From 1985 ($600 000) to 1989 ($3 million), sales were steady. Then in 1990 the money really started to pour in, hitting $8.5 million then $18 million in1991. Last years sales (1996) were $70 million and now this years' estimations are a substantial $160 million. There are currently 108 locations between Canada, the U.S., and Europe, with extreme success in London, England. Although the company could easily expand to may more locations, the company would prefer not to, at least no so fast. They believe that in order to maintain high levels of quality, staying in control, (which means going slowly) is the key. Frank Toskan, 45, founder and CEO of Make-up Art Cosmetics, was previously a Canadian hairstylist, make-up artist and photographer, who developed his own professional cosmetics because he felt that the existing lines couldn't link with the harsh lighting used in photography, stage , film and video work. Over the last 10 years, 160 shades of lipsticks in 7 different finishes, 150 eye shadows, 60 blushes and hair care have been created for the public. Toskan first started at his kitchen table with the help of his high school chemistry book. With Victor Casale, his chemist brother-in-law, he blended a few new colours. One year later, Toskan formed a partnership with Frank Angelo, a veteran entrepreneur (previous owner of a chain of beauty salons). At first they were turned down by banks, they had to mortgage everything in order to get the company going. M.A.C. was officially launched in 1985, in an old, run-down location in Toronto (Cabbagetown). For years M.A.C. was looked upon as too 'weird.' In1988, Toskan and Angelo had to beg downtown Simpsons -now the Hudson's Bay Company, to take their line of products. They were given a small corner and it soon became the most popular counter in the
Essays --
History is important to modern American spirituality because we are the past. We are the totality of all events that have happened to us. This beginning and ending product guides our actions in the present. The understanding of American spirituality today can be implied through itââ¬â¢s the repetition of itself. Histories matter the most because we learn and understand our human nature to see how others dealt with conflicts and problems so we can further understand how to not only prevent but also deal with it faster in the future. In Bron Taylorââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Dark Green Religionâ⬠and Courtney Benderââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Religion and Spirituality: History, Discourse, Measurementâ⬠, explains of the best ways to live life through knowing oneââ¬â¢s history. The individual and the societies that are built through the struggles of our past events are the only way we can understand who we are and how we got to be the way we are is by studying the past. History is a study of the past that can help oneself understand what made them who we are. In cases like if we had lost the American Revolution, or if the Spanish had founded ... Essays -- History is important to modern American spirituality because we are the past. We are the totality of all events that have happened to us. This beginning and ending product guides our actions in the present. The understanding of American spirituality today can be implied through itââ¬â¢s the repetition of itself. Histories matter the most because we learn and understand our human nature to see how others dealt with conflicts and problems so we can further understand how to not only prevent but also deal with it faster in the future. In Bron Taylorââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Dark Green Religionâ⬠and Courtney Benderââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Religion and Spirituality: History, Discourse, Measurementâ⬠, explains of the best ways to live life through knowing oneââ¬â¢s history. The individual and the societies that are built through the struggles of our past events are the only way we can understand who we are and how we got to be the way we are is by studying the past. History is a study of the past that can help oneself understand what made them who we are. In cases like if we had lost the American Revolution, or if the Spanish had founded ...
четверг, 18 июля 2019 г.
Greek Mythology and Heracles Family Essay
The Greek heroes Heracles, Jason, Perseus and Theseus are all intriguing characters of Greek mythology. They each portray many different qualities and compare and contrast each other. For example the fact that Heracles was constantly a target of Hera and Theseus a target of Medea links them as characters. Also, Heracles frees Theseus from the chair of forgetfulness which also makes them similar. Even further, Perseus is from the city of Argos which happens to be where Heraclesââ¬â¢ family is from as well. Another similarity between Heracles and Theseus is that they attack the Amazons together and both tend to rid the lands of certain monsters. Heracles also worked together in the Argonaut crew with Jason. All these heroes also tend to share great physical strengths and capabilities to defeat their enemies. These four heroes also differ from each other. Jason seemed to be portrayed as somewhat of a weaker character and Perseus seemed to receive much more help from gods and goddesses, even by Heracles, more than the other heroes did. It may have been because they favored him more. Another distinguishing feature is that Heracles was an average human being before he became immortal. As far as how each hero handles their quests, all four of them seem to mentally be prepared for each quest. They tend to each focus on the task at hand. For example, Heracles labors to catch a deer that is lightning fast; he perseveres for a year before he catches it. They all seem to show dedication and patience to each mission. However unlike Theseus who picks more dangerous routes, maybe for more of a mental challenge, Perseus does not seem to be as mentally focused but more on the physical side of things. Perseus is more physical and does not have to use as much intellectual thinking because he is gifted by nymphs and gods that give him the right tools to succeed on his quest. Heracles stands out as a physical hero since the day he was born by having to fight off the snakes that Hera sent his way and the fact that most of the twelve labors were aimed for his failure yet he succeeds. Another impressive success was the cleaning of the Augean stables by means of diverting 2 rivers. Each of these four heroes has honorable qualities that drives them in their quests and make them compare and contrast to each other.
среда, 17 июля 2019 г.
Hispanic in America Essay
the States nowa eld is knows as cultural diversity country and con stancered a home for numerous different cultures and races. The Latino term is non either a race or heathenity, but is considered an the Statesn term use in ground forces to defined mickle who c solely Spanish or their ancestors spoke Spanish at hotshot point in their life. match to U.S. nosecount 2000 State & County Statistical QuickFacts Latinos or Latinos argon those population who classified themselves in one of the specific Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino categories listed on the Census 2000 questionnaire Therefore, roughtimes pile in general boss Hispanics in America as they all cover Spanish and have the same ethnic traits. Also nation stomp Hispanic as we be all from Mexico, untaught with low wage job position, eudaemonia recipients, have huge families and illegal immigrants. People in America stereotypes Hispanics as they all leave alone tongue to Spanish, but that isntreally what I call back it is. Hispanics are considered in truth diverse groups where any(prenominal) speak fairish Spanish and non interest to apprise a trice language. nearly an other(prenominal)s speak English besides because they have been prohibited to speak their indigene language due to racism or they had not value their native language. Others speak indigenous languages. Moreover, the mass in these days speaks both languages. I think the detain one is the most common at once because Hispanic wad have cognise the importance of the two languages in America for jobs and discipline. People have the general information of Hispanics as they have the same traits as dark br give birth hair and eye and tan or olive skin. In honesty, not all Hispanics wait or have those traits, not all search mestizos, a mix of Spanish and Indian. Some Hispanic look European, others look black. Others look Indian or mestizos. However the majority is considerate white Caucasian for the European influen ce in the colonization in Latin America. However, in that respect are many other Spanish countries like Spain, Morocco, Nicaragua, Argentina, Islas Filipinas, Uruguay, Ecuador, Cuba, and roughly much. Even though they are Spanish speaking countries, their each have their own traits, ascent and heritage. According to the The crystallization propagation Encyclopedia, Any person resident in the USA who comes from, or whose parents came from, Spanish-speaking countries in Central and South America, including the Caribbean. Hispanic has been stereotype as uneducated or gave up school with low wage jobs.However, the earthly concern wasthat Hispanics were considered uneducated by Americansbecause they couldnt speak English and they were focused on their jobs to give a better life for themselves and their families. However, the reality nowadays is different Hispanics recognized the education as a key of success. They are now interested in learn English as a s language and take advant age of some many educational programs out there. Actually, there are some Hispanic mint with higher education than dont work as gardeners, housekeepers, nannies anymore. On the other hand, some Hispanics have already scale this stereotype. For example, more Hispanics are now in Hollywood, in the Congress and much more and also I can learn myself in this category even though I still have a long way to meet my schoolmaster goals. The United States is known for being a nation of immigrants hence, the Hispanic groups are stereotype as illegal immigrants. However, the reality is that not every single Hispanic that immigrates to America is undocumented. Back in the history, Mexican territory was given to U.S. In addition, the treaty offered U.S. naturalization to Mexican citizens who remain in the gross profit margin and U.S. residency for the ones who remain in south-central border of Mexico. I think that is one of the biggest reasons Americans think that all the undocumented peop le are Hispanic. Also the Mexican borders are considerate the busiest crossing for legal and illegal people that immigrate from everywhere. People from a lot of countries use them as an entering to U.S. because it seems easy to cross to the other side and be in U.S. Also the situation that one country is next to the other divided just by a long, tall fence. However, not all undocumented immigrants are Mexican. Unfortunately, stereotypes are just assumptions do by people to classify others origination on skin color, clothing, language and somatogenic appearance. Hispanics seem to become more predominant group in the U.S therefore, many people still considered Hispanic as uneducated, eudaemonia recipients and low wedge jobs, big families, just Spanish speakers, and illegal immigrants until these days. However, Hispanic people are deeply rooted in traditions even though, they have changed their country bread and butter is hard to change their heritage because is very special to us or sometimes we just carry it naturally.Work CitedHispanic American. The Crystal Reference Encyclopedia. West ChiltingtonCrystal Semantics, 2005. Credo Reference. Wed. 23 Oct. 2013 Hispanic Origin. U.S. Census 2000 State & County Statistical Quick Facts. chapiter U.S. Census Bureau, 2000. Credo Reference. Wed. 22 Oct. 2013
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