суббота, 31 августа 2019 г.

Positive Psychology and Depression

Positive Psychology in the Treatment of Major Depression Positive psychology is a strengths-oriented, positively focused approach to human behaviors and thoughts that is relatively recent to the overall field of psychology. Previous schools of thought had always focused on the abnormalities, weaknesses, and pathologies of people. Positive psychology is an exceptionally new branch of psychology and aims at making life more fulfilling, enjoyable, and happy instead of just tolerable; they wish to promote mental health and well-being instead of only treating disorders.This research paper will address the roles that hope, gratitude, forgiveness, resilience, optimism, and self-efficacy play in one’s life, and how these characteristics can be utilized in a way to maximize one’s positive affect. One of the most common mood disorders is depression. Depression comes in many forms and there are also different depressive disorders such as major depression, bipolar disorder, and dys thymic disorder. (NIMH, 2009) For the sake of this paper, major depression will be examined. Related article: Approaches to Promoting WellbeingSymptoms of a major depressive episode include feelings of sadness or unhappiness, irritability or frustration, loss of interest or pleasure in normal activities, reduced sex drive, insomnia or excessive sleeping, changes in appetite, agitation or restlessness, angry outbursts, slowed thinking or speaking, fatigue, tiredness, loss of energy, trouble thinking or concentrating, frequent thoughts of death or dying including suicide, crying spells for no apparent reason, and unexplained physical problems such as pain (Mayo Clinic, 2012).One does not have to have every one of these symptoms, they must have at least five symptoms, they must persist for at least two weeks, symptoms cannot be caused due to drug or alcohol consumption, are not caused by bereavement or last longer than two months, and they must cause a significant amount of impairment in the person’s everyday life functioning (DSM-IV-TR, 2000). Major depressive disorder has a lifetime prevalence rate of 11. 2 percent in young adults with 3. 3 percent of those cases deemed severe, and a twelve month prevalence rate of 6. percent in adults with 30. 4 percent of those cases diagnosed as severe. People ages eighteen to twenty-nine are seventy percent more likely to have experienced depression compared to those over the age of sixty, people between thirty to forty-four years old were 120 percent more likely, and forty-five to fifty-nine year olds were 100 percent more likely. Women are seventy percent more likely than their male counterparts to experience depression during their lifetime and whites are forty percent more likely than blacks to experience depression.Compared to 2 percent or less for most other disorders, major depression is quite common. (NIMH, 2009) Positive psychology interventions in cases of major depression focus on increasing positive emotions, positive experiences, subjective well-being, and beneficial engagements. This differs fro m traditional interventions by not focusing on the depressive, negative symptoms and instead trying to focus on the good aspects of one’s life. Positive psychologists do not ignore the fact that mental illnesses are abnormal and the fact that things do go wrong in peoples’ lives.Instead, they want to take a closer look at the good things that happen in peoples’ lives and what makes and keeps people content or happy. In one study, conducted by Seligman et al, positive psychotherapy exercises delivered through the internet were shown to relieve the symptoms of depression for a minimum of six months whereas traditional treatments lasted less than one week. In subjects suffering from severe depression, reduction in mild-to-moderate depressive symptoms was observed.It was also observed that subjects who had been suffering from major depressive disorder and underwent positive psychotherapy had a higher reduction in symptoms than those who underwent traditional treatme nts and those who underwent traditional treatments combined with medications. The hypothesis of this study stated that â€Å"depression can be treated effectively not only by reducing its negative symptoms, but also by directly and primarily building positive emotions, character strengths, and meaning. It is possible that directly building these positive resources may also buffer against their future reoccurrence. (Seligman et, al. , 2006) Logically, major depression would be well treated when using a positive psychology oriented approach. People who suffer from depression experience anhedonia – an inability to experience pleasure in activities which it is usually produced. They lack positive affect, show a lack of engagement in meaningful activities, lack of feeling of purpose, and lack of feeling of meaning. These people no longer find any interest in things such as sex, food, bonding with friends, favorite past times, and work. (Brynie, 2009) A study by Barnaby D.Dunn, pu blished in July of 2012 also found that people suffering from depression also do not experience anticipation or recognize positive emotions the way those unaffected do. (Dunn, 2012) The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines anticipation as â€Å"1: b. the act of looking forward; especially: pleasurable expectation. 2: a mental attitude that influences a later response. †(Merriam-Webster, 2012) From this, it is understood that people suffering from depression, and therefore anhedonia, not only miss out on the pleasure normally experienced during enjoyable activities, they also do not even look forward to any of these pleasurable activities.It is as if they do not see the possibility of an experience producing positive outcomes. Positive psychology, on the other hand, is primarily focused on creating and building-upon positive emotions, helping people find meaning in their everyday lives, and promoting an overall increase in mental health. Positive psychology has its roots in self -efficacy, optimism, and hope. Self-efficacy is the belief that you have the skills and self-control necessary to achieve the goals you set for yourself.This is a learned way of thinking, predicted by previous successes, observing others with high levels of self-efficacy, the ability to imagine oneself achieving a successful outcome, verbal persuasion by other strong and trustworthy individuals, and ability to control negative emotions. Optimism is a person’s tendency to look at a situation from the best possible point of view, or too expect the best possible outcome in any given situation (Merriam-Webster, 2012). Optimism can be predicted by a childhood environment which provided safety, coherence, secure attachments, and there is also a genetic component to optimism.Television, however, is one of the main culprits in promoting pessimism – the opposite of optimism. The final main building block of positive psychology is hope. Hope is the combination of the belief that one can reach his or her goals and has the ability to find alternate routes to these goals should they be presented with adversity. (Snyder, 2011) Key steps and aspects of combating major depression with positive psychology were outlined by Seligman, Rashid, and Parks in their 2006 article.Since depression is associated with a lack of positive realizations in one’s life, clients were asked to take steps to help them recognize their signature strengths, ways to utilize these signature strengths, good things that happen to them every day, things and people in their lives that they are thankful for, and also to forgive others and themselves for past transgressions. To help clients recognize their signature strengths as well as help them to see the way they view themselves, clients were instructed to write stories describing what they believe to be their character strengths.The client and therapist discuss how apathy and the absence of positive emotions do nothing but maintain t he cycle of depressive episodes. Next, clients were instructed to take the VIA-IS strengths finding questionnaire and then use those results in an assignment stating how they could best utilize their strengths to improve their everyday lives. Afterwards, clients were to recall past situations in which they have successfully used their identified strengths to their advantage. Pleasure, engagement, and meaning as pathways to happiness are discussed during the client’s session and their role in overcoming depression is outlined.All of these steps help lead to the realization of the client that they have strengths that are unique to themselves, they have control over situations that happen to them, and they are not helpless. (Seligman, 2006) The next set of steps focuses mainly on engagement. Clients were asked to keep Blessings Journals in which they recorded at least three good things which happened to them each day. They are also encouraged to write about three bad things that have happened to them and to go into depth about their emotions surrounding these events and how the events influenced their depression.The therapist will inform the client of the ways in which retaining negative feelings such as anger and bitterness can compound the effects of depression and prevent recovery. Clients were encouraged to talk about negative experiences and vent about these experiences rather than ruminate on them. Clients were then to write at least one forgiveness letter. They describe an incident with a wrong-doing, the emotions experienced along with the event, and they also promise to forgive to transgressor; even if it was himself or herself. Seligman et al, 2006) Forgiveness is a freeing from a negative attachment to the source that has transgressed against a person. There is less desire to avoid the person or seek revenge, and an increase in positive feelings or actions towards the individual. There is a realistic assessment of the harm done, an acknowledgeme nt of the perpetrator’s responsibility, a cancelation of debt between the victim and perpetrator, and then a self-removal from the category of victim.Forgiveness is important in a person’s life because it helps to break the cycle of violence when one person is harmed and seeks revenge and then the initial transgressor seeks revenge as well which initiates and maintains said cycle of violence. When a person displays a willingness to forgive others, it is not only beneficial to that person, but also to all of the people surrounding said incident. It produces positive feelings as well as an inclination to also be forgiving in future situations. This is a form of positive role modeling between peers. Snyder, 2011) Another important step is expressing gratitude. Clients are encouraged to express their gratitude to someone they never properly or fully thanked either in person, through a letter, or via telephone conversation. (Miller, 2008) One way gratitude is experienced is when another individual acts in a way that is costly to himself or herself, provides value to the recipient, and was done intentionally. Another way gratitude can be experienced is when someone survives a catastrophic event, a threat to his or her health, or a dangerous situation.Gratitude is a highly valued character trait in many cultures due to its beneficial nature and tendency to increase a person’s tendency to perform altruistic tasks. Those who are high in gratitude are generally less concerned with material goods, more spiritual, more satisfied with life, and more empathetic. (Snyder, 2011) Using the concept of primary prevention, psychologists can help their clients to prevent depressive symptoms from occurring in the first place, or lessen the severity of depressive symptoms during the next depressive episode.Some positive psychology interventions in Seligman, Rashid, and Parks’ 2006 study that dealt with primary prevention were being more physically active, socializing with more people or more often with people who were already friends, engaging in meaningful work such as volunteering and helping the less fortunate, bonding more with loved ones and forming deeper connections, lowering expectations of oneself and others, and making one’s own happiness a priority.In the same study, Seligman and his fellow researchers randomly assigned six hundred volunteers to one of six intervention activities online. Five of these activities were from a more positive psychology focused list of exercises, and one was a placebo. The placebo exercise required participants to write down their earliest memories every night for a week which had only temporary effects on that group. The volunteers assigned to groups 1, 2, and 4 showed pointedly lower depressive symptoms and much higher levels of happiness when compared to the lacebo and two other control-like groups. The volunteers in the successful group also had result which lasted at least six mont hs whereas the people in the other groups had either no results, or results that were only fleeting. (Seligman et al, 2006) Group 1 was required to take the VIA-IS strengths questionnaire and then considers ways in which they could utilize their results to help them in their everyday lives. Group 2 had to write down at least three good things that had happened to them that day and why they thought these things had happened to them.Group 4 had to conduct a gratitude visit, much like the one previously mentioned, in which they composed a letter of thanks to someone who had positively impacted their life in some way, shape, or form but they had never fully thanked and then read said letter either in person or over the phone. The two control-like groups’ assignments were to take a strengths test questionnaire alone, or to write an essay about themselves in a moment when they were at their best. Seligman et al, 2006) These last findings show that the positive psychology activities used in the Seligman et al study can also be used as a form of secondary prevention. Secondary prevention addresses a problem after it has already appeared; just as these online participants were already showing signs of extreme depression. After participating in the three blessings per day exercise their depression scores went down showing that this exercise not only could help prevent depressive episode as previously shown, it could also lessen a depressive episode that had already begun.As a spin-off from this study a website, www. reflectivehappiness. com was created. This was a social website community centered on positive psychology. New exercises and interventions were posted each month, a book club was formed, a newsletter was published and sent out, and a discussion board dedicated to positive psychology. During the first month of operations, it was found that fifty of the site’s subscribers who took pretests for the Center for Epidemiological Studies – Depre ssion Scale, scored in the range that would qualify as extremely depressed.After completing the exercise involving recording three blessings each day for two weeks, the average score for this group of people dropped from 33. 9, to 16. 9. This showed that ninety-four percent of these people were less depressed and fell from the extremely depressed range to the mildly to moderately depressed range. This website is no longer functioning the same way, it has moved to a mobile network which only works on iPhones and now runs under the URL www. happiness. com. Another important part of positive psychology and the ability of a person to remain positive, optimistic, and hopeful is resiliency.Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity and to successfully adapt to the demands of stressful situations (Tugade et al, 2004). People who are seen as resilient are more likely to be described as self-efficacious, confident, and determined and can also be expected to generate a more posit ive self-talk, boost their self-image, and promote self-agency (Mak et al, 2011). All of these characteristics are those of someone with a very positive outlook on life as well as a positive view of themselves.These people show a much lower susceptibility to mental disorders and behavioral problems such as depression, anxiety, violence, and substance abuse (Lillehoj et al, 2004). People who are more resilient also show more optimism and a higher level of hope when thinking about the future. The broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions suggests that â€Å"positive emotions expand what an individual feels like doing at any given time. †(Snyder, 2011) This is referred to by Fredrickson as a broadening of one’s thought-action repertoire.Emotions such as joy, interest, contentment, pride, and love all have the ability to expand you potential action options. Joy can create more creative, playful behaviors while interest creates the desire to explore, expand, and experie nce new things. One of the most important in positive psychology is pride. Pride creates the desire to share good news and envision oneself doing even bigger and better things. The opposite happens in any life threatening situation; your thought-action choices narrow to provide a smaller list of options to try to conduct a speedy, potentially life-saving choice. Frederickson, 2001) This research proves that when a person is feeling depressed and are lacking the positive emotions described above, they do not have an expanded thought-action repertoire and therefore do not see all of the possible paths to their goals which, in turn, leads to feelings of hopelessness and a lack of self-efficacy. Other health benefits of promoting positive emotions are increased laughter, decreased heart disease, increased longevity, positive emotional disclosure, and overall increased psychological health.Laughter has been proven to be a cyclical cause and effect of positive emotions which in turn impro ves immune system functioning, and help maintain a stable positive emotional state. Elderly people who had been hospitalized for an incident involving heart disease and kept up a positive attitude had a much lower readmission rate than those who displayed a negative outlook. Also, people who tend to be more positive throughout their lives, participate in emotional disclosure, and upholding an optimistic and hopeful outlook have a propensity to live longer than those who did not.Positive emotions and an expanded thought-action repertoire not only help people emotionally avoid depression, they also help people to be more physically active and thus further avoid depressive symptoms. The reasons why exercise helps to alleviate depressive symptoms is not completely understood, but it is believed to happen on a few different levels. First of all, exercise is thought to release beneficial neurotransmitters and endorphins which are essentially ‘feel good’ chemicals for your bra in and body. These chemicals are thought to activate the opioid receptors in the brain creating feelings of happiness and optimism.Another way exercise is thought to help create positive emotions in those who exercise is by lowering certain chemicals released by the immune system which can also prolong depressive feelings. Finally, exercise increases body temperature which is thought to have a calming effect on individuals. The more direct, less scientific ways that exercise can help people avoid depression are by acting as a distraction from everyday life and taking a person’s mind off of things, increasing social interactions and therefore increasing positive interactions, and improving physical appearance and thus increasing confidence. Mayo Clinic, 2011) A study also found that speed walking for thirty five minutes per day for five days each week, or sixty minutes per day three times each week had a significant effect on decreasing depression. (Harvard Medical School, 200 9) All in all, having a positive outlook on life can be beneficial to one’s life in countless ways. The study of positive psychology helps people to take steps towards developing better skills to take advantage of their ability to think positively, act positively, and avoid or decrease their depression.Through a few very simple steps, such as gratitude letters, blessings journal keeping, and skills and strengths assessments, one can increase their sense of self efficacy, increase resilience, increase their sense of hope, and by doing this decrease major depressive symptoms. Works Cited: American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (4th ed. , text rev. ). Washington, DC: Author. Anticipation. 2012. In Merriam-Webster. com. Retrieved November 26, 2012, from http://www. merriam-webster. com/dictionary/anticipationBrynie, F. (2009). Depression and Anhedonia. Brain Sense. December 2009. Dunn, B. D. (2012). Helping Depressed Client s Reconnect to Positive Emotion Experience: Current Insights and Future Directions. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 19(4), 326-340. Frederickson, B. (2001). The Role of Positive Emotions in Positive Psychology: The Broaden-and-Build Theory of Positive Emotions. American Psychologist, 56(3), 218-226. Harvard Medical School. (2009). Exercise and Depression. Retrieved from http://www. health. harvard. edu/newsweek/Exercise-and-Depression-report-excerpt. tm Lillehoj, C. , Trudeau, L. , Spoth, R. , & Wickrama, K. (2004). Internalizing, social competence, and substance initiation: influence of gender moderation and a preventive intervention. Substance Use & Misuse, 39(6), 963-991. Mak, W. S. , Ng, I. W. , & Wong, C. Y. (2011). Resilience: Enhancing well-being through the positive cognitive triad. Journal Of Counseling Psychology, 58(4), 610-617. doi:10. 1037/a0025195 Mayo Clinic staff. (2011, October 1). Depression and Anxiety: Exercise eases symptoms. Retrieved from http://www. mayo clinic. om/health/depression-and-exercise/MH00043 Mayo Clinic staff. (2012, February 12). Symptoms. Depression (major depression). Retrieved from http://www. mayoclinic. com/health/depression/DS00175/DSECTION=symptoms Miller, M. (2008, June 16). Positive Psychology Techniques for Depression. Retrieved from http://health. gather. com/viewArticle. action? articleId=281474977374787 National Institute of Mental Health. (2009). Major Depressive Order Among Adults. (DHHS Publication No. ADM 90-1679). Washington, DC: U. S. Government Printing Office. Optimism. 2012.In Merriam-Webster. com. Retrieved November 26, 2012, from http://www. merriam-webster. com/dictionary/optimism Seligman, M. , Rashid, T. , Parks, A. (2006). Positive Psychotherapy. American Psychologist. November 2006, 774 – 788. Snyder, C. (2011). Positive psychology : the scientific and practical explorations of human strengths. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE. Tugade, M. Frederickson, B. Barrett, L. (2004). Psychologi cal Resilience and Positive Emotional Granularity: Examining the Benefits of Positive Emotions on Coping and Health. Coping & Health. 1161 – 1190.

Stranded: Gun and Injured Wolf

Frozen, with snow barricading the front door. Opening one old, rickety door took us more than ten minutes. We had physically exhausted ourselves, digging through the snow with our bare hands. Every inch of our bodies ached and all sensation had been lost. â€Å"Hurry up, It's getting dark and I'm getting hungry. † I shouted. â€Å"We need to find that weapon or something sharp! † Squeaked Jim. I quickly decided to abandon the Idea of a rescue plan for the Injured wolf. This seemed a good Idea at the time due to everybody feeling the way they did.We later found out that it was the wrong decision to leave the wolf injured and nearly paid with our lives. I decided to ask Scarlet and Jim if they minded that I was behaving as team leader without a vote from the group. As I was the strongest and oldest they were happy to agree. Our first night away from our parents wasn't pretty. No food, no defense. What had started out to be a rescue mission for the Injured mammal; had alre ady become ours. It was a long night, with the snow drifting Inside the cabin. We were out In the open and were fighting for our lives.To survive we had to work as a team and be quick Through the shutters on the broken, rusty window was a distant figure. Suddenly he started to approach the cabin. â€Å"01†¦ Who are you thinking you can trespass on my property! † bellowed a strange voice in the background. â€Å"Hello? † we all answered simultaneously. You could tell we were all petrified. I tried being fearless, but inside I trembled in my boots. I was hoping this was not apparent to the stranger, who I considered scary and looking like a hillbilly's! I dread to think how Scarlet was feeling.I could see her physically shaking. An old, wrinkly man appeared wrapped with layers of wool around him. His long, rough, black hair blew in the strong, icy wind. However I quickly noticed dripping on the floor was thick, black, blood, Just like on the injured wolf. Straight t he way we stood, and were full of terror. Stranger danger! I could hear my mum reminding me in my head! We could never trust the man. I took a step back from Scarlet and Jim. They were frozen on the spot seeming to be glued to the floor. I quickly grabbed them towards me creating a little space.We noticed he had a gun in is left leather pouch on his belt. We knew we were already at a disadvantage. Miracles do happen! With the sudden noise and movement of a wild boar on the cabin roof. The stranger became distracted. This was the moment to see if he was really a human! Quickly we all opened the shutters on the windows to let as much sunlight in as possible. It was our only chance. My nightmare became reality. The stranger was full of fury and howled like a beast. This exposed his disgusting, large, yellow fangs. His fingers sprouted claws of a wolf.We all knew he wasn't human, neither mammal. He was a werewolf. Typically we had learnt something valuable in school regarding how to kil l a werewolf. We new the sunlight weakened him. He stood tall as if he felt in charge. The gun from the leather pouch dropped when the sunlight hit him. We all scrambled for the gun. Scarlet was the quickest and released a few rounds of bullets. The werewolf hesitated and ran for his life. Scarlet thought she had missed but remembers Mrs. Hilton saying â€Å"Only one silver bullet will kill a werewolf; nothing other than. †

пятница, 30 августа 2019 г.

International students in English speaking universities Essay

Introduction With the brisk pace of economic globalization, higher education is becoming more internationalized as well. An increasing number of students choose to receive higher education abroad in countries like the US, the UK and Australia, where there are many world-class universities that are expected to provide high-quality education for both domestic and overseas students. However, due to various reasons, and often out of their expectation, international students inevitably meet kinds of problems and difficulties that hinder them from integrating with the new environment, especially heavily impact their life and learning at university. This essay will account for the difficulties that international students may encounter in their adjustment and achievement, using the Leslie and Smith (2004) and Andrade (2006) to support the points. Emotion changes Due to the cultural differences, most international students feel shocked. They leave home and parental care, studying in an unfamiliar country. Rajapaksa and Dundes (2000) discovered that international students felt more lonely and homesick than domestic students. â€Å"Their adjustment was affected by their satisfaction with social networks as opposed to the number of close friends.† (Andrade, 2006). In this case, international students may feel difficult to achieve the targets. On the other hands, international students can be easier to get angry because of lack of language proficiency then they often do not understand what is going on. Passive VS Active Based on the past study in their own countries, international student consider that learning is passive. However, now in English speaking universities, learning become more active. (Leslie and Smith, 2004) International students have difï ¬ culty understanding spoken English and have weak writing skills whereas students criticized instructors for their use of colloquial English and rapid speech. Similarly, professors felt students did  not take responsibility for their own learning while students found professors indifferent. (Robertson et al., 2000) As a result, international students need more and more independent study by themselves. They also have to be initiative. It is Another research demonstrated that international students preferred to work alone, which supports a common view that international students dislike group work. (Sarkodie- Mensah, 1998) Also, they reported valuing warm, friendly relationships with their instructors in contrast with the belief that international students are accustomed to a formal student-professor relationship. (Sarkodie- Mensah, 1998). Although, students need more group work in English speaking universities and they should know how to work cooperatively, they still need to learn how to work by themselves when they write essays and review for the exams. Teaching tools It is worth mentioning that there are a lot more advanced facilities in English speaking universities than at home. (Leslie and Smith, 2004) There are a lot of computers in library so that students can use to find information to make preparation for essay or presentation. In addition to this, students all have their own text books back home and sometimes teachers give them lots of photocopied handouts.( Leslie and Smith, 2004) There are three other pertinent interventions for international students. One involves using outreach support groups to help international students who may need counseling but are reluctant to initiate contact (Smith et al., 1999); however, actual adjustment is not measured. Another outlines ideas for web-based orientation (Murphy et al., 2002) and the third suggests a multi-phase approach to orientation (Lin and Yi, 1997) (Andrade, 2006) Also, content-based ESL courses, learning communities, support courses, comprehensive programming and peer study partnerships have been successful in providing international students with academic support. (Andrade, 2006) Summary Due to various reasons, international students have to encounter many problems when they study in English speaking universities. The adjustment issues raised in this review should be considered to enhance the mutually rewarding practice of international study. Reference Andrade, 2006 p3-4, p7 Leslie and Smith’ survey, 2004, p13-14 ï » ¿International students in English speaking universities Essay Introduction With the brisk pace of economic globalization, higher education is becoming more internationalized as well. An increasing number of students choose to receive higher education abroad in countries like the US, the UK and Australia, where there are many world-class universities that are expected to provide high-quality education for both domestic and overseas students. However, due to various reasons, and often out of their expectation, international students inevitably meet kinds of problems and difficulties that hinder them from integrating with the new environment, especially heavily impact their life and learning at university. This essay will account for the difficulties that international students may encounter in their adjustment and achievement, using the Leslie and Smith (2004) and Andrade (2006) to support the points. Emotion changes Due to the cultural differences, most international students feel shocked. They leave home and parental care, studying in an unfamiliar country. Rajapaksa and Dundes (2000) discovered that international students felt more lonely and homesick than domestic students. â€Å"Their adjustment was affected by their satisfaction with social networks as opposed to the number of close friends.† (Andrade, 2006). In this case, international students may feel difficult to achieve the targets. On the other hands, international students can be easier to get angry because of lack of language proficiency then they often do not understand what is going on. Passive VS Active Based on the past study in their own countries, international student consider that learning is passive. However, now in English speaking universities, learning become more active. (Leslie and Smith, 2004) International students have difï ¬ culty understanding spoken English and have weak writing skills whereas students criticized instructors for their use of colloquial English and rapid speech. Similarly, professors felt students did not take responsibility for their own learning while students found professors indifferent. (Robertson et al., 2000) As a result, international students need more and more independent study by themselves. They also have to be initiative. It is Another research demonstrated that international students preferred to work alone, which supports a common view that international students dislike group work. (Sarkodie- Mensah, 1998) Also, they reported valuing warm, friendly relationships with their instructors in contrast with the belief that international students are accustomed to a formal student-professor relationship. (Sarkodie- Mensah, 1998). Although, students need more group work in English speaking universities and they should know how to work cooperatively, they still need to learn how to work by themselves when they write essays and review for the exams. Teaching tools It is worth mentioning that there are a lot more advanced facilities in English speaking universities than at home. (Leslie and Smith, 2004) There are a lot of computers in library so that students can use to find information to make preparation for essay or presentation. In addition to this, students all have their own text books back home and sometimes teachers give them lots of photocopied handouts.( Leslie and Smith, 2004) There are three other pertinent interventions for international students. One involves using outreach support groups to help international students who may need counseling but are reluctant to initiate contact (Smith et al., 1999); however, actual adjustment is not measured. Another outlines ideas for web-based orientation (Murphy et al., 2002) and the third suggests a multi-phase approach to orientation (Lin and Yi, 1997) (Andrade, 2006) Also, content-based ESL courses, learning communities, support courses, comprehensive programming and peer study partnerships have been successful in providing international students with academic support. (Andrade, 2006) Summary Due to various reasons, international students have to encounter many problems when they study in English speaking universities. The adjustment issues raised in this review should be considered to enhance the mutually rewarding practice of international study. Reference Andrade, 2006 p3-4, p7 Leslie and Smith’ survey, 2004, p13-14

четверг, 29 августа 2019 г.

Marketing Communications Coursework assignment

Marketing Communications Coursework - Assignment Example The factors are essential in identifying the motives of buyers and isolating the target market. Scholars refer to the five aspects as the Five M’s of Advertising. The Farmer is a television-advertising run by RAM using the Richards Agency situated in Dallas. Jimmy Bonner from Creative Group directed the advert while Paul Nelson was the producer. Most advertising managers find difficulty in comprehending consumers within appropriate strategic levels. Furthermore, they find it difficult to apply collected information in developing and creating alternative stands. However, putting using the means-end technique increases awareness on the factors that motivate consumers. The effectiveness of this approach is that it factors goals valued by people relating them to the qualities and features of the product in question. To evaluate RAM’s Farmer, this discourse applies the MECCAS framework. This model analyses a laddering model that is a specific interviewing aspect used by marketing communication consultants to unravel values attached by people on products. The approach is that laddering interviews fit into the means-end approach that the Meccas model applies during analysis. Differentiation does not constitute the only factor that facilitates selling of a product. The desirability of a product or a service depends on the connection that consumers have with their perception towards the same good or service. It is important to mention that the means-end approach is significant because of its ability to identify essential factors that motivat e consumers to buy goods and services. In addition, the model explains the relationship between the consumer’s motives and their attributes to products or service in market. Marketing communication consultants use market research in determining the goals of an advertising campaign in their marketing

среда, 28 августа 2019 г.

Case study about succeful information system projects

About succeful information system projects - Case Study Example More often than not, the projects can fail regardless of how much financial resources the organization has invested in the project. There are however some guidelines that are important in trying to avoid project failures. Carrying out a well planned and scheduled system analysis is a very good way to avoid project failures. As Graham (2013) argues, most projects failures can be attributed to lack of good system analysis that was done. System analysis refers to investigating the informational needs of the organization to determine its informational needs and then developing an information system that is geared towards serving these needs. This process involves a number of actions as follows; As Pinto ( 2011) says, involving the end users is a helps in avoiding system failures as it reduces user resistance. These end users have a crucial role in the success of IT projects. Their involvement will determine how the system acquisition process will be successful as well as the end product. Failure to involve the users leads to a number of issues that threaten to stop the project on its track. These are as follows; Although information technology has been there for a long time, many people in many organizations still have the phobia against IT. Not only does IT mean that the users will have to learn new skills, it also poses a threat to their job (Pinto, 2011). Whether this threat is real or perceived, it will make the users to feel that the system is going to affect them in a negative way. This phobia arises from the fact that people are generally afraid of change because change removes them from their comfort zone. Change also brings the unknown and people are also afraid of the unknown. However, project managers do not have to deal with the issues of user resistance, as long as they are able to understand the factors that bring about this user resistance and deal with them in the right

вторник, 27 августа 2019 г.

Classical Mythology in Abstract Expressionism Essay

Classical Mythology in Abstract Expressionism - Essay Example The essay "Classical Mythology in Abstract Expressionism" investigates classical mythology influence on abstract expressionism. The influences of depicting Classical Mythology begin with the thematic work that is accepted with both Surrealists and Abstract Expressionists during both time frames. The main ideology is based on creating the universal theme of humanism that is a part of every experience. The modern artwork depicts this by taking the mythology and relating it to the human experience by representing the mythology from a different perspective. The ideology was to take the idea of humanism and to create a modern approach to the myths that would combine the poetic expression of the artwork and the humanistic ideologies related to the myths. Instead of the stories representing the ancient and mysterious, both artistic movements created a sense of duality with the mythology. This was dependent on the mysterious and the human that combined together to create a sense of poetic me aning with the artwork. By doing this, artists were able to create a sense of meaning through the subject matter which could be depicted in modern society. The importance of the humanistic approach was not only to express the universal themes of duality between human nature and the myths. This was furthered with the time frame in which the artists were developing the portraits in. Many that were depicting the artwork focused on the social and political agenda of the time, specifically with the movement into modernism. The social and political approach was one which consisted of conflicts in society, stress which many were under because of political agendas and change that was continuously moving forward during this time frame. The themes were based on the tension of those who were living with the humanistic side, as opposed to the political and social agendas based on status, violence and struggle. Depicting these themes became an important aspect of the work in both time frames, sp ecifically because of influences of war, political leaders and social change that continued to move forward through contemporary events and ideas which followed (Bernstock, 1993: 153). An example of the artwork that showed the humanistic side and the social and political stresses came through works such as Andre Masson and Jacques Lipchitz (see Appendix A). The work of Andre Masson, Myth of Sisyphus, shows the French Surrealist viewpoint of conflict and humanism during the time. The myth is depicted by a boulder being rolled up a hill, only to continue to roll back down. This is followed in Greek mythology by a king who moves into power but doesn’t follow through with wisdom, instead ruthlessly killing thousands and betraying the gods. The influence of the 1930s was one which was created through the political agendas leading to war as well as the philosophical belief that there wasn’t meaning behind this. When looking at the painting of Masson, it is able to follow the myth of the ruthless actions and the boulder only going back down the hill. Masson does this by making the boulders appear out of place and time, each which carries the same myth as is depicted in the Greek legends. By doing this, Masson is able to create a link to the political leaders of the myth that deceive the gods to the present day, in which the same

понедельник, 26 августа 2019 г.

Relationship between Michael Manley and Fidel Castro during the 80's Essay

Relationship between Michael Manley and Fidel Castro during the 80's - Essay Example Manley became suspicious of the United States utilizing political terrorism to undermine his government, and, as a result, began to openly oppose the United States in the 1980s, in addition to forming a close personal relationship with the notorious Cuban prime minister. Fidel Castro is an infamous figure in American minds, primarily due to vestigial hatred and dread directed toward Communist principles that threatened to undermine American life throughout the mid-20th century. Castro came to power as a popular figure in Cuban politics, starting with his critiques of then-president Batista and of foreign involvement in the Cuban state (Castro and Ramonet). From Mexico, Castro prepared for an invasion/overthrow of Batista. After the Cuban revolution that toppled the US-supported Batista administration, Castro became the Prime Minister of the Cuban state, instituting the Communist theory he believed in as the first Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba. After this point, Castro continued to be inimical to the United States, which he directed his rhetoric even before the revolution. His open opposition to the United States created a political rift between the two countries that has lasted even through today. For this reason, Castros name is still no t trusted by most Americans, who have a largely negative view of the figure (Castro and Ramonet). Michael Manley is known in contemporary political science for what he called his â€Å"democratic socialist experiment† (Payne and Sutton). The Manley administration came to power at the beginning of the 1970s in a chaotic political environment in Jamaica, primarily due to the collapse of sugar culture. Stagnant domestic agriculture created widespread poverty, yet these agricultural resources were still owned by British and American interests. In this context of extensive external

воскресенье, 25 августа 2019 г.

Global Managerial Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Global Managerial Economics - Essay Example The Balance of Payments (BOP) refers to the sum of all economic exchanges between countries and includes expenses and income from the trade of goods and services, and financial transactions, including foreign direct investment. These exchanges, or transactions, fall under two categories: A Current Account and a Capital Account. The flow of goods, services, and money in and out of the United States is recorded in the current account. When national expenses exceed national income or budget, meaning the current account is â€Å"overdrawn,† it is referred to as a trade deficit. The US finances its current account deficit by issuing securities and bonds. Since fluctuations in the BOP also affects the value of the US dollar, the Federal Reserve uses a managed floating system by occasionally intervening to control fluctuations in the exchange rate. Daniel Griswold, in his 1998 trade policy analysis, states â€Å"No aspect of international trade is†¦ understood less than America’s perennial trade deficit†¦Trade deficits reflect the flow of capital across international borders, flows that are determined by†¦how much people save and invest. This renders trade policy1 an ineffective tool for reducing a nations trade deficit†¦[since] since trade deficit†¦has virtually nothing to do with trade policy.† Griswold explains that a country that has more investments than savings, such as the United States, must bring in capital from overseas through a capital account surplus. These foreign investments enable Americans to buy more goods and services even if they produce less, bridging the gap through a trade deficit. Since the mid-70s, the US has had a yearly trade deficit, reaching $100 billion in 1984 and over $150 billion in 1987. In 1991, the trade deficit dropped to $31 billion, but has been increasing since then, reaching over $190 billion2 in the fourth quarter of 2005 (BEA, 2006). Trade deficits have been blamed for â€Å"unfair† foreign

суббота, 24 августа 2019 г.

International Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

International Human Resource Management - Essay Example In order to delve further, it is important to establish IHRM and its functions in today’s multi-national companies (MNCs). â€Å"...the International Organisation will be called on to operate across a wide variety of competitive environments and yet somehow balance these diverse social, political and economic contexts with the requirements of the original home context.† (Dowling et al, 2008, pg25) IHRM is a relatively recent addition to the field of human resources, developed mainly because of the rapid pace at which businesses are getting internationalized as a result of globalization (Scullion, 2001). Even though IHRM’s operations are based on the same four parameters of domestic HRM mentioned above, it is much more complex as it deals with sensitive cross-cultural issues and calls for proper education of the local behaviour in terms of culture, values, business practices, and employment laws of the host country of a subsidiary of an MNC (Torbiorn, 1997). Hence IHRM can be defined as, â€Å"the HRM issues and problems arising from the internationalization of business, and the HRM strategies, policies and practices which firms pursue in response to the internationalization of business† (Scullion, 1995 cited in Scullion and Linehan, 2005, pg4). The four parameters of HRM are then extended into three main issues for IHRM, namely, the management and development of expatriates; the internationalisation of management throughout the organisation; and, creating a new corporate culture that would reflect on internationalising the whole organisation, by focusing on increasing the international experience of staff, to be able to effectively counter the frequency of cross-cultural interactions as a result of investing abroad (Hendry, 1994). As a result, IHRM covers a much wider spectrum of worldwide management of people (Dowling et al, 1999, 2008), and is concerned with how MNC’s manage their ‘geographically dispersed’ workforce by being able to dispose their resources to obtain and maintain ‘local’ and ‘global’ competitive advantage (Schuler et al, 2002, single quotes mine).

пятница, 23 августа 2019 г.

The international space station. Major Components Essay

The international space station. Major Components - Essay Example With the space race both countries achieved success in some sectors. The US was successful in landing Apollo missions to the moon, whereas the Soviets were able to build Space Station Mir. The Mir Space Station was built gradually over time and modules were added to the basic structure. The US efforts started President Reagan authorizing the Space Station Freedom (Catchpole 1). The program dovetailed space efforts and programs of Japan, Europe and Canada. The program was shared among the nations and its design changed several times due to different input and ideas from all member states. Funding was collective and the program moved forward. The Soviet Union collapsed after Afghanistan invasion and had difficulty maintaining its Space Station Mir. It was decided by President Clinton to include Russia in the combine effort and the name of the program was therefore, changed to International Space Station. 2. General The International Space Station is the largest space project ever under taken. The project represents the collective effort of fifteen countries. These include eleven from the European Space program, US, Russia, Japan and Canada. The planned station will have a length of 108 meters and a weight of 450 tons after completion (â€Å"International Space Station Facts and Figures† 1). The station orbits the Earth at a height of 240 miles above the Earth’s surface. Because of the size of the space station it can be seen with the naked eye as it orbits the Earth. It is visible as a bright spot moving in the sky in particular at times when the sun light reflects the panels and the observing position is in the dark portion of the Earth. 3. Construction The space station was to be assembled in the orbit. Major parts were made by different countries and launched into space. They orbited in space and were collected together over time to change make the basic structure of the International Space Station. The first piece was launched by Russia in 1998 a nd was called the Zarya (Harland and Catchpole 203). These pieces are known as modules. The modules were equipped to orbit independently. They had solar panels for power and booster rockets for orbital movement. Before being assembled the modules were given rotation around their axis to ensure that energy from the Sun is distributed evenly across the body of the module. This was due to the fact that extended exposure of any part to the Sun could over heat the area and similarly the part unexposed faced possibility of freezing. Cameras were installed in the modules to assist in docking procedure. The modules were carefully checked for any leakages and were joined together to form the basic structure. The US module Unity was the second to reach the orbit. It was delivered by space shuttle mission as opposed to rocket delivery of Zarya. The modules were connected together with help of robots on shuttle missions. The two modules Zarya and Unity were joined by a third piece known as the Zvezda module. The module added facilities like communication, toilet, kitchen and improved communication facilities. The structure was added with support structures containing solar panels and other support systems called the Truss. 4. Major Components 4.1 Truss Structure The Truss holds together all the components and forms the center piece of the structure. Everything is attached to the Truss structure. The Truss was the fourth part that came in to join the three modules at the initial assembly of the station. The structure carries all the ports required to dock components to the station. It has different docking stations so that the structure is flexible and components can be changed as per design requirement.

DFS Group Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

DFS Group - Essay Example DFS Group DFS is one of largest luxury travel retailer operators on a global level that offers products across different segments of luxury products such as fashion, accessories, beauty products and perfumes, jewelry and watches as well as alcoholic beverages and tobacco. The assortment of their products covers over 700 of the world’s top brands that the traveling segment of customers prefers most. The company operates through their stores in airports as well as Luxury T Galleria in downtown area Department Stores. In total, they operate over 420 locations worldwide in ideal tourist locations. Founded in 1962 by Robert Miller and Charles Feeney, with the first duty free store at Kai Tak International Airport in Hong Kong, the company has cherished a vision of offering travelers quality merchandise, a local experience and exceptional services. This novel idea of all in one place helped attract many customers in the ever evolving travel industry. Chan (2013) notes that DFS Group, an opera tor of duty-free shops controlled by LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SA (MC), currently has plans to open their first stores in Europe to cater to Chinese consumers who travel there frequently. DFS brings together topnotch brands and customer tailored services in a sophisticated and pleasant shopping setting for travelers across the world. Similarly, the outlets of DFS serve as luxury shopping destinations in downtown locations. On the other hand, the airport stores of DFS provide ultimate convenience for customers traveling to different nations on a daily basis.

четверг, 22 августа 2019 г.

Blood Diamond Essay Example for Free

Blood Diamond Essay Africa was known as â€Å"The Dark Continent† during the Victorian Era, believed by Europeans to be a land where even the slightest trace of civilization tends to collapse under madness and savagery. It seems especially common for Europeans to assume that anyone who ventures into Africa would then sink into an irrevocable state of delirium. Such notion was amplified by Joseph Conrad, who, in Heart of Darkness, took Africa as a land so free from moral restraints that no civility could stand from being pulverized by its darkness. Blood Diamond, dating a hundred years after Heart of Darkness, presents a different view. Although the film seems to faithfully support the conventional view of Africa as a place that forces its inhabitants into madness, a closer examination of Blood Diamond shows that, quite the opposite of depicting Africa as The Dark Continent, the film actually rebuts the view by emphasizing the underlying grace of the land. Blood Diamond sends out the message that rather then being the other way around, it is the colonizers of Africa who are forcing the continent into its present state of violence and madness. Through contrasting between parts of Africa with assorted degrees of western influence, director Edward Zwick shows that Africa without colonization would be a land of peace and grace. This contrast is established between the depiction of an RUF (Revolutionary United Front) headquarters and an elusive school that lies within the immutable jungles of Africa. Zwick uses costume to represent western ideals brought to Africa through colonization when portraying the RUF headquarters. When Danny Archer first gets off the plane to do business with Commander Zero, the audience is introduced to a group of African teenagers dressed in shockingly familiar looking attires. Indeed Captain Rambo, a member of the RUF, is dressed in no way different from any North American boy. His clothing without doubt emulates the fashion of North American hip-hop generation. His wide sunglasses, baggy pants, and chain necklace all too well indicate western influence. It is only when he holds up a gun that the audience senses a strong odour of irony. The gangster image that prevails this RUF headquarters contrasts with a peaceful African community in the midst of the jungle, a community in which the effect of colonization is less apparent. In fact, Zwick speaks of this community as an â€Å"island of sanity†. The term â€Å"island† denotes not only a sense of isolation from the atrocity of the surrounding world, but also a sense of isolation from western influence. It is within this community that a group of child soldiers are carefully returned to life. Of these two African communities, the one that displays a crave for western ideals is the one that rears violence and madness, whereas the primitive jungle described as the very medium of suffocation in Heart of Darkness becomes the place where sanity is restored. Through contrasting between a world greatly influenced by colonization and a world that is not yet penetrable to its grasp, Blood Diamond clearly conveys the idea that it is the white people who are jeopardizing Africa’s graceful soul with their intrusion, and it is the colonizers of Africa who are ultimately responsible for any violence seen there today. Zwick also uses various types of shots to establish Africa as a graceful land. Although scenes of RUF troops committing heinous violence are omnipresent in Blood Diamond, Zwick does not forget to show what Africa was like before war and colonization. The use of master shots often precedes any scenes of violence in the film to constantly remind the audience of the majestic panorama of Africa. Shots of grand canyons, peaceful sunset, and misty cities again and again take the audience’ breath away. These shots are images of Africa entirely different from those underscoring problems of poverty and hunger commonly seen in media, thereby are all the more shocking. It is indeed hard for one to find a trace of savagery or madness in this landscape. Without these shots, one would laugh with an air dismissal when Dia says to his father â€Å"teacher says our country (Sierra Leone) was built to be an utopia†. But with these breathtaking images, the audience cannot help but to ruminate over Dia’s belief that â€Å"when the war is over, our country will become a paradise. Apart from using master shots, Blood Diamond also employs wide shots to convey similar ideas. The film opens with a wide shot of fishermen working against sunrise. In the shot, the black silhouettes moving quietly yet arduously against the breaking dawn of the sky effectively convey a sense of peace. By integrating various types of shots into the content of the film in a meaningful manner, Zwick successfully delivers his desire to show what Africa was like before colonization. These shots are key to establishing Africa as a land of peace before its colonizer’s arrival. Zwick also conveys the idea that it is the Europeans who are responsible Africa’s present chaotic state by probing the different meanings of diamond in Africa and in Europe. A character responsible for this layer of the film is a sadistic RUF mine general– General Poison. Following after the priceless diamond like an animal after the smell of carcass, General Poison is depicted as the very heart of distortion and madness throughout the film. In the prison scene, Zwick’s use of lighting and colour effectively turns General Poison into the icon of animosity similar to that described in Heart of Darkness. The prison scene is dominated by a sickly luscious combination of brown, green, and red, creating a canvas that is hunted by greed and fear. Here, Zwick plays around with the employment of fluorescence light to give General Posion the aura of a mad dog as he barks at Solomon Vandy. Yet General Poison reveals something rather astonishing near the end– he craves for that diamond not because of greed, like the diamond dealers in London, but because he wants to escape his own cruelty. â€Å"You think I am a devil, but it is only because I have been in hell. I want to get out, and you will help me†. This is what the general says to Solomon, and the audience learns that he too is a prisoner suffering from the effects of colonization. General Poison craves for that priceless diamond not because of the wealth it shall bring, but because it is his only ticket out. As soon as this is revealed, the audience learns that his devilish behaviour is not the result of his native instinct; rather, it is the result of having to cope with the values of white men. It is white people, the colonizers, who are forcing him into madness. Suffocated by the atrocity of colonization, he must act cruelly to free himself from his own madness. This internal irony shows that Africa is not a continent with the natural tendency to drive its inhabitants into madness; rather, the madness seen in the film is only the result of Africans trying to cope with the values of their colonizers. In Blood Diamond, Zwick effectively combines style and content to show that Africa is not a continent of darkness and savagery; rather, the moral dilapidation seen there today is the result of colonization. Indeed instead of pushing those who venture into its land beyond the boundaries of civilization, Africa is itself a prisoner and a sufferer. It is with productions like Blood Diamond that the images outlined in Heart of Darkness become increasingly relegated from the status of a journal to that of a fiction. It is with productions like Blood Diamond that the truth about Africa is slowly revealed. In a way, Blood Diamond has given Africa a testimony of its grace that is rather long overdue.

среда, 21 августа 2019 г.

Riparian Ecosystem in the Semi-arid Southwest US

Riparian Ecosystem in the Semi-arid Southwest US Yi Rong Ecosystem project Geographic location The absolute location of the riparian ecosystem in the semi-arid Southwest of the US is 38 ° 11†² 21†³ S 109 ° 53 †²07 †³ W while its relative location is Southwest of the Colorado River. Climate The riparian ecosystem in this region registers an annual temperature of approximately 55F with an annual temperature range of 40F to 55F. The region receives a bi-modal precipitation regime with the highest precipitation experienced during the winter as well as during the summer monsoon winds. The annual precipitation can be recorded at between 16cm to 54cm. One of the major factors affecting the temperature and precipitation in this ecosystem is the proximity to the Colorado River which increases precipitation (Trexler 58). The thin cloud cover also influence the temperature as well as precipitation as it dictates the amount of direct sunlight on the moisture on the ground. The elevation of the ground is also another important factor that may influence precipitation and temperature. The higher the elevation, an area will experience higher the temperatures and lower precipitation. However, if the elevation is low then temperatures are expected to be lower while precipitation will be higher (Trexler 63). Extreme weather events in the southwest riparian ecosystem are mainly heat waves, floods and droughts and this can be attributed to the global climate change. This is because the climate of this region can be classified under a cold, semi-arid climatic zone (Doyle and Drew 13). This is characterized by relatively long drought periods as well as irregular precipitation, growing seasons that range from warm to hot and extended periods of winter which is sustained by freezing temperatures. Landforms and the land forming processes The riparian ecosystem here sits on a crustal rock that is surrounded by deformed Rocky Mountains together with Basin and Range Provinces (Raynolds 23). The main structures in this region are flexures, salt tectonic features, monoclines, vertical faults and volcanic. The folds here are broader rather than the characteristic tight folds found in orogenic belts. The wide areas of flat lying sedimentary rocks are divided by sudden bends of strata that form along the monoclonal folds formed nearly more than 600 million years ago. Normal faults dissect the ground in this area where normal faults are formed by tensional forces in which case the foot wall moves upwards relative to the hanging wall. These faults are more prevalent here because of the movement of the crustal blocks occurring in the Precambrian basement and the differential movement can be attributed to the differences in the elevation in this particular riparian ecosystem (Raynolds 39). Precambrian rocks are visible around th e region and they consist of gneiss, schist and younger sedimentary rocks. About 1.7 billion years ago, a north-south continental compression resulted in wrench faults areas, one being the Colorado River Lineament. Water and wind are the two key forces that can be attributed to the erosion of the ecosystem over the years (Adler 32). The main reason why water is the greatest force of the two is that the sun bakes the soil thereby making it so hard that it becomes difficult to absorb water. Therefore, when it rains, rain water flows freely with immense force. The vegetation in the area also doesn’t have deep laid roots to hold the soil together and this only adds to the problem (Lauenroth and Burke 51). As the free flowing water goes down, it creates flash floods that have great power to move rock boulders as big as automobiles. Ice also another erosion factor that cannot be ignored in this area. As faults are created between rocks, water seeps between these cracks and when temperatures are low, it turns to ice thereby expanding the cracks. When these faults get wide enough, pieces of rocks on the edges fall away and hit other rocks along the way thereby causing massive erosion effects. Th e topography of the ecosystem has characteristic different elevation levels. The vegetation in this area is mainly open-woodlands. The plants found here include cottonwoods, alders, cattails, plums as well as tall grass (Ralston 74). The Colorado River also makes an important part of the topography of the ecosystem. Surrounding the ecosystems are canyons and volcanic rocks whose surfaces have been eroded over the years mainly by water. Drainage patterns and stream systems The flow of the stream determines the forces that erode sediment and transport and deposit the same. This is important as it influences the various dimensions of aquatic systems in the ecosystem (Raynolds 53). The variance of stream flow also plays a major role in the occurrence of suitable environment and species abundance. The structural controls offered by the environment in the ecosystem act to dictate the various aspects of the stream’s flow such as its velocity and direction. Drainage patterns of streams in the ecosystem take the form of parallel and dendritic drainage patterns that are the most common in riparian ecosystems. As for the stream capacity, given the geology of the ecosystems and the level of erosion, the stream capacity in the ecosystem is high as the sediments from eroded soil and rocks transported by the stream is also high which translates to high power (Hazel 47). However, stream discharge in the ecosystem is relatively low as the width of the stream is narrow and wouldn’t support high stream discharge while the stream velocity is also low due to the many artificial islands formed by rocks found in the stream. These act to reduce the velocity of the stream greatly. The hard soil surface under the stream makes it difficult for water absorption and therefore when it rains, flash floods form easily while recurrence depends on the rain intervals during the year. Biome The biome in the ecosystem is classified according to the latitude within which the ecosystem is located. As a result of this, the climatic conditions brought about by the ecosystem’s latitude play a major role in determining the biome found in this area. Therefore, the dominant plants found in this particular ecosystem are mainly cottonwoods and open-woodlands. The animal species are the mule deer and the elk (Van Cole 16). Ecosystem characteristics, productivity, and services The productivity of the ecosystem can be seen from the dams and reservoir built in order to reduce the amount of erosion taking place in the ecosystem (Yaffee 61). This has received positive results as erosion has reduced greatly. On productivity, the ecosystem acts as a park ecosystem and local tourists can go and enjoy the different flora and fauna the ecosystem has to offer. Habitat/s The Riparian habitats are defined by different plants that depend on an integral hydrological regime. It is a case whereby the groundwater is sustained and surface flows that are natural occur. Plant and animal communities An assemblage of animal and plant communities is what define Riparian ecosystems and the presence of these communities attribute directly or indirectly to stream induced or interrelated factors. A greater diversity of animals and plants are supported by the Riparian ecosystems than the upland habitats. Food web and food chains In relation to the food web and chains, it is clear that approximately 80 percent of sensitive vertebrate species depend on aquatic habitants in their life cycle. Example of an animal and its niche There are western screech-owls, which have a niche at the moist woodlands that are found along the lakes and streams. Example of a symbiotic relationships A significant symbiotic relationship is between the star-flowered Solomon’s-seal with the moist shady woodlands that are found along the streams. Human-Land relationships Deforestation and animal grazing are some of the human activities that are taking place in the ecosystem. Ecosystem status Currently, the ecosystem is in a threatened/endangered status as the acts of animal grazing and deforestation are rampant within the area. A practical conservation strategy that has been adopted is the Conservation Reserve Program, which has been redesigned with the purpose of providing priority to areas that are stream buffer zones. Works Cited Adler, Robert W. Restoring Colorado River Ecosystems: A Troubled Sense of Immensity. Washington: Island Press, 2007. Web. Bainbridge, David. A Guide for Desert and Dryland Restoration: New Hope for Arid Lands. Washington: Island Press. 2012. Print. Doyle, Mary, and Cynthia A. Drew. Large-scale Ecosystem Restoration: Five Case Studies from the United States. Washington: Island Press, 2008. Web. Folliott, Peter and Leonard F. DeBano. Riparian Areas of the Southwestern United States: Hydrology, Ecology, and Management. Florida: CRC Press. 2003. Print. Hazel, Joseph E. Monitoring Fine-Grained Sediment in the Colorado River Ecosystem, Arizona: Control Network. S.l.: Bibliogov, 2013. Print. Kaiser, James. Grand Canyon: the Complete Guide. Ringgold, Ga.: Destination Press, 2011. Print. Lauenroth, William K, and Ingrid C. Burke. Ecology of the Short grass Steppe: A Long-Term Perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008. Web. Ralston, Barbara E. A Vegetation Database for the Colorado River Ecosystem from Glen Canyon Dam to the Western Boundary of Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona. Flagstaff, Ariz.: Northern Arizona University, 2007. Print. Raynolds, Robert G. Roaming the Rocky Mountains and Environs: Geological Field Trips. Boulder, Colo: Geological Society of America, 2008. Print. Trexler, Joel. Monitoring Ecosystems. Washington: Island Press. 2003. Print. Van, Riper C, and Mark K. Sogge. The Colorado Plateau Iii: Integrating Research and Resources Management for Effective Conservation. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2008. Print. Van, Riper C, and Kenneth L. Cole. The Colorado Plateau: Cultural, Biological, and Physical Research. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2004. Print. Yaffee, Steven L. Ecosystem Management in the United States: An Assessment of Current Experience. Washington, DC: Island Press, 1996. Print.

вторник, 20 августа 2019 г.

Competition in the Airline Industry

Competition in the Airline Industry Introduction to airline industry: The airline industry is a very competitive market, in the past 2 decades the industry have expanded and still expanding its routes domestic and globally in the beginning airline industry was partly government owned but in the recent years many privatization with airline industry have taken place. D E L A G (Deutsche Luftschiffahrts-Akiengesellschaft) the first worlds first airline which was on the 16 November 1909 this airline was started mainly with the government owned/assistance this airship manufacturers were the Zeppelin Corporation and their head quarters was in Frankfurt. The two Americans named Rufus and Marriott tried to start the Americas first airline but the attempts were failed due to the airline catching fire. The five airline which was first started still exist these airlines are the oldest ones. KLM its the Netherlands owned, Avianca airlines owned by the Columbia. Qantas is Australians, Czech Airlines operated by the Czech Republic, Mexican Airlines by the Mexico. Af ter the world wars there was some inventions have been made and the demand for new planes the designs and the techniques have greatly constructed and soon after the world wars the air rout throughout the Europe have been set up since the past 15 years the airline route have became a baggiest necessity of both business and common peoples that it is hard to live without the air travel the main pros for the Air travel is it reduces time and making the peoples to visit world in the affordable time. The airline industry can be categorized into four different and main Operations International: This service take more than130 passengers and have them and can take anywhere in the world. In this category the business have its revenue for at least $ 1bn. National: In this category it can take the passengers up to 150 and the business have its revenue for from $100 m $1bn Regional: The small companies which mainly focus on the flights with quick halts and the revenue of this business is less than $ 100 m. Cargo: The main focus of these airlines is to carry goods. Emirates (airline) introduction and its growth: Emirates airline is the major airline of the UAE and it is the subsidiary of the Emirates group it is also the national airline of the UAE (Dubai) its major operations is from the Dubai International Airport. It was founded in the year 25th October 1985 The Hub of the Emirates airlines operates its services to the ninety six (96) destinations and about 56 countries and covering around 6 continents. The company also operates the worlds longest flights to New York, los angles and other two states in Unites States of America including Houston (Texas) the cargo services of this airline is operated by the Emirates Cargo services Division at present the Emirates group has more than 40,000 Employees Employed and it is the one of the top 10 world class airlines in the world. Emirates group as a new and young company faces problems back in 1980s when the gulf airways cut down its flights to Dubai the rescue of help from the Dubai royal family invested $10 million in order to begin, the head of the airlines was sheikh Ahmad Bin Saeed al Makhtoom and he is also the present chairman since then the airlines have made its growth in the fleet and also have expanded its destinations. Emirates Airlines Growth and Incorporation: Emirates group have made tremendous efforts to grow since 1990, research shows that Emirates is one of the fastest growing airline in the world since the Emirates group have made partnership with AA (American Airlines) in 1994 it started providing the world class service to the passengers throughout the world soon after the partnership Emirates revenue turned to $634 M in the end of 2004, then after the airlines ordered 7 new Boeing 777 in 1996 costs about $1 Billion. In May 1998 Emirates enter into the agreement with Sri Lankan Air Lines to manage the airlines for 10 year In the year 2008 Emirates launched its nonstop flight to New York. In the year 2010 Emirates group have launched its flights to many new destinations in UK, Paris, Bangkok, Australia, and Saudi Arabia 1. Do you agree with performance linked reward system? Summarize the recent trends of reward system in your organization or the organization you have chosen. Discuss its impact on productivity in your organization Performance linked reward system: The most important way to impress employees is only by reward to share the profits and allow them incentives by paying them bonuses the theory of reward system says that this is the way the employees will share in your dream when you fulfill their dream. The mechanism of this system can make this possible. The reward system is not just paying the bonuses and letting employees shares in the stock options. It is more likely to do with promotions, benefits and other incentives which can motivate employees unfortunately many companies do not offer this which leads to the failure of their organization so all the employers and I should agree with the reward system to sustain in the market with the competitors. (Donna Dee prose P: 33) The basic principle of reward system is that, you get what you reward the Employees. The main principle of management is things are done quickly if you reward the Employees, they shows positive attitude towards their works and their behavior changes if you reward them for their work. If you set a certain target for the employees and when they achieve it reward them immediately failure to do so will affect the results in the future and never hold behind the employees rewards. Therefore the main principle of motivation is by providing rewards and every organization should agree with this system for a successful organization. Benefits in working with airline industry (Emirates): Individuals interested in finding a job which can provide a good career prospects which will provide the option to travel the entire world and enjoying all the benefits as a part of the Emirates group then its hard to find the better industry than airlines and specially working for the Emirates one of the worlds best flight. There are number of benefits packages for the employees and career development programmers the group provides. In the further studies about the airline industry in the Unites States Of America there are nearly 100 airlines and 500,000 peoples are employed by them many of the positions provide excellent benefit packages, Emirates as world class airlines travels to providing services in 56 countries and expected to be added more in 2010 creates more job opportunities than the USA and runs a great reward system. Emirates Group: Emirates Group as a world class airline provides a very wide range generous benefits to the permanent employees who are employed globally. The group follows a detailed research and analysis on compensation and benefits policies by doing so the group can retain the top talented employees. This case study provides the understanding of the total benefits working for the Emirates, the reward system the company includes the cash and non cash elements. The Summary explains the basic elements of the Emirates group reward for the employees, this explanation for the compensation and reward system provides the information for the candidates working for the emirates group depending on what are their role and the unique skills and personality. The Najm award scheme is the reward and recognition program me of the Emirates Group. The Najm (Star in Arabic) recognizes, motivates and awards employees that either display exceptional behavioral competencies (going the extra mile) or identifies organizational improvements (enhanced safety, reduced cost or improved revenue) Cash elements rewards in emirates group Competitive salary and progression through salary range Emirates employees enjoy the competitive salary into cash; depending on the country they like E.g. The employees working in Dubai and K.S.A enjoy the tax free salary per month and rest all countries pays the normal tax depending on their countys legislations. Salaries are paid depending on their role and knowledge and specialization that the candidate can input into the role, the group carries a research with the relevant businesses and reviews on regular basis in order to remain competitive in providing the rewards to their employees. Employees receives the increase in salary range by the company when the responsibilities have been increased it is provided to keep employees motivates as money is a biggest motivator and used to divert route of employees to a desirable direction. Allowances The Group provides the accommodation for their employees or they give out the allowances for accommodation and it also provides the transport allowance or transport. The candidates in specific roles are only eligible for this role. Profit share schemes The company runs the profit share schemes to the employees depending on the financial statements of the group. Protection in exchange rate scheme The employees who works in the UAE their 50% of the salary is protected against adverse exchange rate towards dirham and your currency classification Professional allowance For the employees who possess the specialization skills company runs the scheme of recognizing their talents. Non Cash elements rewards in Emirates Group Annual leave The company provides 30 days of the annual leave excluding the public holidays. The annual leave will increase depending on the length of service. Gratuity/pension schemes Company runs a gratuity/pension schemes depending of the labor law rules and regulations of the country they work/ live in. For example in UK, if an employee signs up for the pensions Schemes Company deducts certain amount and pays monthly pension after the retirement age. The UAE labor law the employees are provided a gratuity on the end of service. This type of service is available to the candidates depending of the conditions like of employment and circumstances. Free holiday tickets Free holidays tickets are provided to the employees and their dependants/family for the destinations of their holiday and also runs schemes that employees can buy a ticket for the families and friends on the discounted fare. Education allowances Company provides financial support for their employees towards their tuition fees for the employees who are on senior positions to train them to requisite job skills besides these childrens of employees are allowed to claim the education allowance for the time of entire time of service. Insurance Insurances like Medical, Dental, life and Accident are provided to the employees throughout the length of service they are with the company. Provident funds On leaving the company employees are provided the provident fund that they have been saving throughout the service company decides either to pay the Gratuity or provident fund whichever is the higher the provident fund is like the long time savings of an employee with the company employee have to contribute 5% and company inputs 12% of the basic salary. Emirates card Emirates employees enjoy the privilege of being an emirates employee they can enjoys the benefits throughout the 1000s of outlets of the emirates group in UK and around the world. Additional reward system in Emirates Group Recognition reward from supervisors Employees with emirates enjoys the rewards from the supervisors when they feel the value of the candidate that they are performing consistently this the simple way to say thanks by words or by writing a thanks giving letter or by providing them an appraisal. Bibliography 1. The industry handbook Airline Industry available at: www.investopedia.com accessed on 21 February 2010. 2. Linked reward system you get what you reward available at: www.1000ventures.com accessed on 22 February 2010. 3. Donna, D.(2007) :How to recognize and reward employees 2nd ED. New York: AMACOM.(PP 61) 4. The Emirates Grout Company Overview: Available at : www.theemiratesgroup.com accessed on 23 February 2010

понедельник, 19 августа 2019 г.

Greed Economics :: essays papers

Greed Economics Pokemon, Microsoft and the Economics of Greed Greed Economics: The uplifting or debilitating effect of the excessive desire of gain on the production, consumption and distribution of goods and services. Solid proof that â€Å"greed economics† lives and breathes was recently found in Newswek’s Novmber 8th issue in an article entitled â€Å"Puffy’s Crowded Orbit†. Sean (Puffy) Combs is founder and CEO of the extremely profitable Bad Boy entertainment. In the billion dollar a year rap music industry, he is the cognac in a world of beer. In 1997, his first album, (carried by the hit â€Å"Missing You†), sold an extraordinary 6 million copies! But Comb’s who is known as much for his business savvy as for his musical talent, ignored the rules of â€Å"greed management† and recklessy expanded into publications, clothing lines and restaurants. The sale of his recent album â€Å"Forever†, despite a red-hot reputation and a 32-city promotional tour, was â€Å"weaker than weak†. Newsweek reports that in the first week of November â€Å"the album was No.27 on the charts.† The same article places his last years earnings at $5 3 million; well off his tyical $100 million-a-year earnings of the mid 1990’s. Sorry â€Å"Puff† the law is real. Greed affects quality. Inner-city America finds it of some interest that this law does not favor the rich, the politically plugged in, or the â€Å"white† of this world. America’ richest man, Bill Gates received a stunning setback earlier this month when Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson ruled against the $500 billion software company Microsoft, declaring that it violated antitrust law and was in fact a monopoly. In a Newsweek article dated November 15th rntitled â€Å"Bill Takes it on the Chin†, Judge Jackson stated: â€Å"Microsoft has demonstrated that it will use its prodigious market power and immense profits to harm any firm that insists on pursuing initiates that could intensify competion†. Why couldn’t Billy be satisfied with say a $100 billion company? The penalty for ignoring the law of â€Å"reed rationing† may include having the software giant broken down into a bunch of little midgets. Are you listening William? Greed attracts powerful enemies. Well why not remove greed out of the equation altogether? Isn’t it ALL poison? Can’t we find a few cheerleaders for total greed celibacy? Not on your life. Why? Because economically speaking, greed isn’t all that bad. Take for example the hugely successful video game-toy phenomena Pokemon.

воскресенье, 18 августа 2019 г.

Phytoliths and Archaeology; An Amazing Field That Never Gained Populari

Phytoliths are a durable floral microfossil formed by silica absorbed by a plant during its life. Although the usefulness of phytoliths in archaeology has been known for nearly a century, the field (independently) has not attained much popularity. Despite the fact that the yields of evidence and information from phytoliths are truly amazing, the field itself is at times more tedious than dendrochronology, causing a delay in the development of the use of phytoliths, as well as the lack of recognition. Phytoliths have been proven to be useful in a number of studies, ranging from paleo-environments, ancient agriculture, ancient technology, even the diet of particular cultures and their livestock. The largest problem with phytoliths tends to be the inability to identify certain phytoliths or the need to correlate the phytoliths with a different chronologies or reference collections. With all of the uses phytoliths have, these problems seem to be recurrent. However, in order to understan d the use of phytoliths, one must first come to a better understanding of what they are.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Numerous sources have different terms for phytoliths, and even go so far as to separate phytoliths into two groups (Schiffer 1983: 227). This is not the case in this paper. The term phytolith will refer to a general definition that is broad and encompasses both of these groups; a phytolith is an opal or silica plant cell (Rapp and Hill 1998: 93). No source is completely sure of the biological purpose of the silica in the plant cells. Phytoliths occur from silica in ground water being absorbed through plants roots and integrated into the living plant (Hertz and Garrison 1998: 55). This silica fills the spaces in the cell and hardens. These cells can endure long after the life of the plant, even through decay and burning (Renfrew and Bahn 2004: 249). However, phytoliths are susceptible to highly alkaline soils, erosion, corrosion, mechanical wear (ploughs) and water damage (Schiffer 1983: 234). The general cell morphology, as well as density and cell wall thickness can affect the durability of phytoliths (Schiffer 1983: 235). Phytoliths first were realized for their usefulness in 1908 by Schellenberg, who noticed phytoliths in archaeological soils from North Kurgan (Herz and Garrison 1998: 55), however it was not again recognized until the 1950’s with Helbaek’s and... ..., D.M., and M.K. Trimble. 1984 Identifying Past Agricultural Activity Through Soil Phytolith Analysis: A Case Study from the Hawaiian Islands. The Journal of Archaeological Science 11 (2): 119-131. Piperno, Dolores R. 1985 Phytolith Taphonomy and Distributions in Archaeological Sediments from Panama. The Journal of Archaeological Science 12 (4): 250-264. Piperno, Dolores R., and Deborah M. Pearsall. 1993 Phytoliths in the Reproductive Structures of Maize and Teosinte: Implications for the Study of Maize Evolution. The Journal of Archaeological Science 20 (3): 337-342. Powers, A.H, J. Padmore, and D.D Gilbertson. 1989 Studies of Late Prehistoric and Modern Opal Phytoliths from Coastal Sand Dunes and Machair in Northwest Britain. The Journal of Archaeological Science 16 (1) : 27-42. Renfrew, Colin and Paul Bahn. 2004 Archaeology: Theories, Methods, and Practice. 4th ed. Thames and Hudson Ltd., London. Rip (Rapp), George Jr., and Christopher L. Hill. 1998 Geoarchaeology: The Earth-Science Approach to Archaeological Interpretation. Yale University Press, USA. Schiffer, Michael B. (editor) 1983 Advances in ARCHAEOLOGICAL METHOD AND PRACTICE vol. 6. Academic Press, New York.

суббота, 17 августа 2019 г.

Patch Adams

Patch Adams Patch Adams is very interesting to watch. From the beginning of the story, there is the willingness of the viewers to watch the movie till the end. It is simple but not on its meaning. It does not only talk about the life of patch, the doctors, patients, students but also the nurses who are always in the side of the patients. Its focus is more on personality. Meeting people that will pull you down then lift you up and changing their views is one of your amazing deeds and help.And even there are those people who helped you to build your dreams they must never be the reason to break it instead they will be the one who strengthen you to pursue it, even if they will be gone someday. It has a message that is no matter what; don’t let something to discourage you from what you love and who you are. It is not just any movie that will make you cry because of sad parts but because of the fact that even you have done good things it might followed by bad happenings. There are things that can not be prevented.It is the best example for many cases of being confused in oneself, not only in mental capacity of thinking but also the ability to know yourself. Patch was helped by this brilliant man, Arthur Mendelson, to see through problems which made me realize on simple things. Patch is not just an ordinary man. He knows the feeling when you give and help which gave him a reason to be a doctor. He might think of the wrong solution yet it led him to the corner of his way to the right direction. When Patch is treating patients in his clinic with his classmates as volunteers, he shows that we are a community that can help each other.There are these services that do not only look for payments but for the happiness and benefit they will bring to other people. He heals people in a beautiful way, more in a funny way. Breaking rules is not always a bad thing. Sometimes it will let you know that there are things not to be followed to have a better result. Maybe as a do ctor, you know everything in the book but what makes you sad is that you can’t even make an old woman to eat. You may have understood everything but how about to make someone eat? And as the main point for doctors, we should not just prevent death but also to maintain life.

How does Steinbeck present the character of Crooks in chapter 4? Essay

Chapter 4 of the ‘Of Mice and Men’ novella introduces a character named Crooks. Crooks isn’t shown as a main character of the story, but is given much light in this chapter. Crooks is a black man set on a 1930’s ranch, working as a stable buck. Steinbeck presents the Character of Crooks to us as he wouldn’t of been considered during the times of the ‘Great Depression’ and shows us the negative stereotypes of black people in an American 1930’s society. Crooks is a minority character introduced in chapter 4. Page 66 reads â€Å"negro stable buck.† Crooks’ character is introduced exactly the way he would be seen by other ranch workers. Steinbeck’s intentions of presenting Crooks for the first time to us in this way, is to give us the outline of the black workers of 1930’s America. Steinbeck wanted us to instantly recognise the prejudice black people faced before we got to know his character. A white person of the 1930’s would of saw Crooks as a black worker and nothing. Steinbeck chose to introduce Crooks’ character in the way people then would of saw him to the way we continue to see him as we learn the extent of his character. Steinbeck gives careful detail of Crooks’ room. At the beginning of chapter 4, page 66 reads â€Å"a long box filled with straw, on which his blankets were flung.† Crooks’ bunk is described as an untidy and uncomfortable place to rest, much similar to the animal’s with whom he shares the harness room with. The importance of Crooks’ room is to demonstrate the segregation of America in the 1930’s. As Crooks is a black man he isn’t allowed to sleep in the bunk house with the white workers. In addition, nobody considers Crooks’ disablement, when leaving him to live in these inhumane conditions because he was a black man who they saw had no standing. Crooks’ room suggests the means of his life. The description of his room, on page 66 reads â€Å"which hung broken harness in process of being mended.† This suggests that Crooks has no separation from his working life to his personal life. Linking back to the previous point, segregation of the white men and  the black men consequences Crooks to remain in the harness room where he works. Therefore, his life revolves around the four walls of his room merely swapping from his work to his rest in an uncomfortable bed. Crooks is presented to us an intelligent man despite his race. On page 67 of chapter 4, the description states â€Å"a mauled copy of the California Civil Code 1905.† This is proof that Crooks is able to read, which suggests his intelligence, but also shows us he is aware of the rights he is entitled to as a black man. Furthermore, because Crooks knows his rights and standing, he understands that he is a minority among the ranch workers as he is the only black worker. Crooks is a lonely character amongst the ranch workers. Nearer the beginning of the chapter, amongst Lennie’s entrance, on page 68 Crooks states â€Å"Don‘t come in a place where you‘re not wanted.† Crooks is shown being harsh to Lennie, and trying to push him away. This suggests that Crooks’ loneliness has caused him to no longer accept any kindness, whether its from a white or black man. However, because of the segregation between the black and white workers, Crooks seems to be talking to himself rather than to Lennie. This is suggested by Crooks, already being aware of the discrimination he faces by being excluded from the bunk house with the white workers, he is ’not wanted’ by them which is exactly what he says to Lennie. Crooks comes across as defensive towards Lennie being in his room. He states on page 68, â€Å"I got a right to have a light.† He is very quick in his response to Lennie. Crooks does this because he is afraid of being hurt by anyone, holding a barrier up towards the other workers who already discriminate him. He being the ethnic minority, more than likely considers any comment to be a personal criticism of a black man’s room. This is symbolic and he declares having a light is a basic human right he is entitled to. Lennie being mentally much less able gives the ideal opportunity to help exercise some authority in Crooks‘ life. Page 71 for instance, â€Å"S’pose George don’t come back no more. (†¦) What’ll you do then?† is terminative. By  this stage of the chapter, there has been a power shift. Crooks is fully aware of the distress this would cause Lennie, as he would struggle to manage alone. The terminative comments are cruel and are linked to his jealousy of the companionship of George and Lennie, page 71 one quotes a â€Å"private victory† and even pleasure in some way. Steinbeck is presenting the bad streak that loneliness is drawing from Crooks, as a minority character. Being in most ways isolated, Crooks has excitement and great curiosity due to his desperation for social interaction. In chapter 4, page 69, he questions Lennie, â€Å"You travel around’ with George don’t ya?†. Crooks is being shown as curious and nosy into Lennie’s relationship with George. However, this is suggesting more into Crooks enjoyment into having a conversation with someone other than himself, by asking questions he keeps the interaction going because he isn’t used to having company. Crooks continues to hide his excitement upon Candy‘s arrival. Page 74 of chapter 4 sees Candy‘s entrance to Crooks‘ room, â€Å"You can come in if you want.† Crooks’ reply to Candy is less defensive than previously, as Lennie’s child-like kindness has created a domino effect. This is showing him to be much more welcoming, which suggests he doesn’t want to be obvious about his excitement. Crooks is at ease as his barrier is broken down, and his excitement is buried whilst he still craves the conversation Crooks is faced with racial prejudice from Curley’s wife in chapter 4. For example, page 80 reads â€Å"Listen. Nigger (†¦) You know what I can do to you if you open your trap?† Curley’s wife brings trouble to his door, thinking she has the moral high ground, power to play god in his life. Steinbeck’s intentions were to show how being a ‘nigger’ is a human being portrayed as simply nothing, having no traits, or feelings. Crooks has no standing and is powerless as a minority. Any defence he may put forward would not even be heard, because of the racial prejudice he faces. As the story unfolds Crooks becomes very pessimistic in his outlook towards the American dreams of Ranch Workers. Chapter 4, page 73 Crooks states â€Å"They come, an‘ they quit an‘ they go on; an‘ every damn one of ‘em’s got a little  piece of land in his head.† Crooks’ views are very pessimistic but also realistic, as he has experienced dream after dream after dream that has failed. Steinbeck presents Crooks with cynical views at this point of the chapter, which supports Crooks‘ understanding that loneliness drives you to insanity. Crooks feels nostalgic about his childhood. Page 70 shows Crooks tell Lennie â€Å"The white kids come to play at our place (†¦) some of them was pretty nice.† This suggests his nostalgic feelings, making him vulnerable at this stage. Willingly disclosing such a personal memory helps with our understanding of this character, he is wise and able to distinguish the fact that not all white people are racist. This is a contrasting point in the chapter, as we understand Crooks’ want for social acceptance, because during his childhood he wasn’t exposed to the racial discrimination he faces at his present day. Crooks needs a dream to give him hope during the great depression of the 1930’s. Page 73 of chapter 4 reads â€Å"Had a strawberry patch. Had an alfalfa patch.† This shows us Crooks’ childhood of him already experiencing the land, which suggests Crooks’ understanding of the freedom of the American dream lifestyle the ranch workers want. Furthermore, the use of the repeated word ‘had’ suggests that Steinbeck has written George and Lennie’s dream in reverse through Crooks’ childhood. Crooks character has a need for companionship due to his loneliness. Page 73 of chapter 4 sees Crooks explaining to Lennie â€Å"If some guy was with me, he could tell me I was asleep, an‘ then it would be all right.† Crooks is trying to emphasize the fact he has no reassurance when he has bad dreams or pessimistic thoughts. This shows Crooks’ character dwelling on how alone he is without anyone to talk to or interact with. Companionship creates confidence in Crooks’ character. Page 77 shows Crooks in defence to Curley’s Wife â€Å"We don’t want no trouble.† The use of the word ’we’ shows Crooks having confidence to defend himself alongside Candy and Lennie. This shows that having companionship makes Crooks’ character more confident. Furthermore, this suggests that after Crooks lets his barrier  down to Candy and Lennie, and starting to have hope, Crooks could gain companionship by achieving the American dream. In conclusion, Steinbeck’s character of Crooks is used to convey the effects of racial oppression and loneliness for black people during 1930’s America. Using his situation on the ranch to give us a glimpse of society and the realism. Steinbeck presents Crooks on a personal level in chapter 4. He does this by letting us experience the racism and discrimination Crooks receives for being black, not so much disabled, after we get to know and understand the intelligence and extent of his character. Therefore, our emotions are heightened and we are led to feel sympathy for Crooks.